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Re: Scouting..

Scouting is a year round sport for me. Before spring green up I stomp a lot of ground looking for sign from the prior season. I also prepare stands well in advance for specific funnels and food sources that I hunt. I glass oaks and honey locust trees to check out the mast crop late in the summer. Glassing deer from a distance in the late summer will tip you off as to where they are coming from and going to.

[ 04-01-2003, 06:00 PM: Message edited by: Rhino ]

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Re: Scouting..

I actually start the year before LOL. I keep track of all the big bucks I see every year and the next spring look for the sheds, then come july start looking for there feeding and there travel roughts[hard sometimes with the antlers not fully grown,but I can get a idea of what there], come the beginning of aug, i build my blinds, and get shooting lanes cut. Then sept first when bow opens I can sit and not see anything LOL!

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Re: Scouting..

I've already set up a few stands and I'm really looking and scouting trails right now. I pretty much scout from Jan-Aug because I try to feed my heard year round so I'm always in or near the woods. Right now is probably the best time to scout as it gets hotter the less I scout. The weather is cool, no snakes. and ticks, plus all the vegetation hasn't grown up yet. You can easily spot old rubs, licking branches, old scrapes, and trails still being used. Deer usually use those same trails during the fall.

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