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Re: heart

doe or buck? i have found that a doe can only go out 20 yards...lol...but i exploaded the heart with a muzzy on her, it all depends i guess, if your pushing the deer or you leave it set, if you put an arrow through his heart and dont push him generally he will only go about 50 yards and lay down and bleed out and die...

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Re: heart

A human has about 10 seconds of life after a heart shot with a pistol(police research). I figure a deer would have about the same after an arrow to the heart. So figure 10 seconds of travel is how far they will go.

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Re: heart



100 yrds not much more I think the double lung puts them on the ground faster though

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if you can flip the heart and get lungs...thats the best combo, but i would rather get heart than double lung any day

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That's been my experience too. You hit the heart, and it's over in a matter of seconds. I double lunged a doe 3 years ago and she ran well over 400 yards on a dead sprint before collapsing in the middle of a picked bean field. Double lunged deer can go quite a ways IMHO, hit the heart, and they ain't going far at all.

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Re: heart



100 yrds not much more I think the double lung puts them on the ground faster though

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if you can flip the heart and get lungs...thats the best combo, but i would rather get heart than double lung any day

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I'll like my chances with either of those shots grin.gif

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Re: heart

I shot a doe at 37 yds and got both the heart and a double lung. She still went 70 yds and fell over stone dead. I shot a doe through the jugular and she went 50 yds with a heck of a blood trail the whole way. I think in any case as with humans that no matter where you hit them as long as theirs massive blood loss the victim goes into cardiac arrest and the brain overheats. Not much after that.

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