How long is too long?


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Re: How long is too long?

I always call them on the soonest date they say it could be done. If they give me another range of time it might be done, i call him on the soonest for that range. If you bug them enough they will get the idea that you want your mount back. And when they do tell you its done, go get it right away and then they might get your next mount done quicker because there are some guys that hold off before picking up their mounts after they are done. Also, a hefty down payment helps!!!

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Re: How long is too long?


he said I'll try to have it back for next hunting season. I'm assumming rifle season and that started 3 weeks ago.

there is other guys around but he is the best. I don't think I'll be going back though.

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I dont see how hes the best ... a big part of a taxidermist is timing the mount is a large part of it but there is a business part of it too... if it were me I wouldnt hesitate to go get the deer and take it to someone else... someone has to teach him that you cant run a business that way... I dont know this for a fact but I would bet RTF hasnt had to many jobs that took over a year... its just not good business...I think your guy is putting you off because he can ....

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Re: How long is too long?

i would just talk to him a little bit about it, my dad is in the construciotn bussienss and nothing irrittates him more than the new home owners acking when things are going to be down and they just keep bugging him and bugging him about it....he must be really busy right now with a lot of mounts to do...i would just be patient....hope you get it back soon!

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Re: How long is too long?

When I killed my nice 8 pt on 2003 everyone told me to take it to this one place b/c they swore he was the best. Well I talked to him and he kinda gave me the run around on a return time. I went to another guy in town and checked out his show room and he did awesome work and gave me a turn around time of like 6 months. Needless to say i took it to him and he did and excellent job and I had my mount back in may the following year(it was a bow kill in Oct). I talked to my buddy the other day who killed a nice deer one week after I killed mine in 03 and took it to this guys who supposedly is the best. Well needless to say as of october this year 2005 he still didnt have it back yet. Thats over two years and no return yet. So he may do good work but I agree I would want my mount back before i forgot the story. I guess he is very slow and I dont think he is excpeting any new work as of now because he is so far behind which in the long run is gonna cost this guy some $

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Re: How long is too long?


He brought my rack to me today, only to inform me that he had lost the cape, now what do I do?

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This would not be an issue with any legit taxidermist. A qaulified taxidermist has access to many capes. He lost it and now he owes you for new cape ! Dont let him off the hook.

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Re: How long is too long?



He brought my rack to me today, only to inform me that he had lost the cape, now what do I do?

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This would not be an issue with any legit taxidermist. A qaulified taxidermist has access to many capes. He lost it and now he owes you for new cape ! Dont let him off the hook.

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I agree with RTF---make him buy a cape and finish your mount!

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Re: How long is too long?

Sorry Your Having Trouble with a Prized Possession.

Get Your Refund + enough to buy a Cape From a Ligit Taxidermist.

I wouldn't have this guy do it.

It sounds as if he is shaky anyhow. confused.gif

Plus I would have to question the quality of his work if he already doesn't want to do it!!!!!!

He's probably not going to do anything extra like a Good Taxidermists would do Just because of his pride.

If there is any shadow of a doubt, Don't let him touch anything your going to have to look at every time you walk into the room you enjoy spending time in. crazy.gif

A lesson Learned folks:

Do you have a Taxidermist that like to Hunt?

Or do you have a Hunter (friend) that Likes to do Taxidermy?

Most Good Taxidermist Are Just Taxidermist!!!!!

& yes they get to go hunting to on days off just like all of us.

But if your taxidermist is already back logged a year+ out I'd be leary.

There are Exceptions to all I have said smile.gif

A Good Taxidermist will have Regular Business Hours

He'll have Plenty Of References.

He might not have a fancy work Place, but there should be signs of Taxidermy getting done on a regular Basis.

He'll probably ask for a Deposit $100.00 Min

(mine asked for 1/3rd of the estimate Total)

Most likely he'll know a BC / P&Y Scorer (or be one himself).

& He'll Be able to give you an Aproximate Completion Date. laugh.gif


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