Bowhunting Indiana's Shotgun Season


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This year, since I paid for an out-of-state bow license, I decided to not spend the extra 130 some dollars for an extra shotgun license. I've been hunting this year with a bow during shotgun season.

You would think that I would be at a disadvantage, but the truth is that the land where I hunt is nothing what it used to be.

So far I haven't even seen a deer. The next and last day I can go out during this season is on Sunday.

I'm going to go out early, use some land I haven't hunted before and see what happens.

This morning I was out in the first snow, thinking it would get the deer moving. Wrong, again.

I need new land, there's no denying that. Hopefully, I'll have at least a doe to post for my Indiana excursions.

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Re: Bowhunting Indiana\'s Shotgun Season


Have you hunted there? It looks like it isn't much further than where I'm hunting now - you were there a few years ago.

Hey, interesting story about that area you told me to hunt. You've probably seen my posts, but I took a 10 pointer on that stand we found that was set way back in the brush.

Anyway, the spot you told me would be the best "funnel' to hunt turned out to be just inside of anothers property, which obviously wasn't marked. I set up a treestand near there and it was literally 8 yards inside of his property. he wouldn't let me hunt there - it ruined my entire set-up.

Anyway, last year I saw a 160 class deer not far from there also. Haven't seen him since.

Thanks for the tip on Aukiki - I just gave them a call. I will check it out for late archery.


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