My first BUCK!


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Monday was the rifle opener for West Virginia.... and I must say.... 4am seems to come earlier every year I go. smirk.gif

This year, the portion of the county we hunt in was regulated to bucks only unless you entered into a lottery for a single doe permit which we missed out on. In the 8 or so years I've been going up there, I've seen ONE buck in the woods and that was last year. I took pity on him because he was a spike and let him walk. Well, this year on the first day of our rifle opener I sat in the same spot I saw the spike in last year. Things were pretty quiet until 9:00AM came and I hear a dog start barking a few hundred yards down over the hill from me so I get the 'ol .270 up and got ready because I figured the stupid dog was chasing deer. mad.gif Well, as expected 7 deer come charging up through the woods, they stop on the flat below me within 60-70 yards to see if the dog is still following, I scan all their heads - no horns. frown.gif The dog gets within 60 yards or so from them and they take off, making their way across the gas line towards where my dad was sitting. The deer AND dog crossed in front of my Dad and made their way down the other side of the mountain. 25 minutes later I hear the same dog barking on Dad's side of the mountain but this time he sounds pretty close. Not a minute later, I see nothing but a big white tail bounding through the woods away from me. Soon after, Dad gets on the radio and says the dog is coming back across the gas line to me and while he was still talking, I look up and see a deer come FLYING down the hill to my right at 70 yards. Before I get the gun up, I see horns.... so I got the .270 up, aimed, knocked the safety off and pulled the trigger. BOOM! falls flat on the ground.. doesn't even run.... doesn't even kick.

I was shaking so bad I could barely work the bolt and put the safety back on. I managed to slip the brass in my pocket, pick up the radio and squeak out.... I GOT HIM! Dad replied back, "a buck?!" I was like....... yeah!!! I got him!!!! he just....... FELL! grin.gif My legs felt like jello when I stood up they were shaking so bad, I cried a little (don't laugh!), and I could barely catch my breath! smirk.gif I finally made my way down to him, lifted his head up and was like..... OH MY GOSH! grin.gif I got on the radio and said.... IT'S AN 8 POINT! and then I cried a little more...... and thanked God for blessing me with such a beautiful animal.

Dad eventually made his way down to me, gave me a HUGE hug and congratulated me! I will remember that moment alone FOREVER. Just typing this brings tears to my eyes. blush.gifsmile.gif

Anyway, I know he's not the biggest buck.... but in my eyes he's a monster! grin.gif


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Re: My first BUCK!

doesn't get any better than that does it. the first one is always the hardest and after that you seem to see them much better and now that you got him in the bag as they say, now is time to work for the larger one you will want next. also god made them for our purpose. you have made it happen and you have food for the family. it is a very emotional time and a time of respect and reflection for taking that great animal

great job and a better pic. i am not sure who will keep that smile i see the longest lol

god bless and happy ho;lidays

rob k

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