Tip of the week.


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Guest Boxcall Kid

Re: Tip of the week.

OK, my first post was less then on the serious side.

I think most dedicated deer hunters have learned the importance of scent control, and I too agree with it being a high priorty.

Here's my tip of the week;

I keep a tracking box back at my truck at all times during deer season. It's a smaller coleman type cooler painted fluro orange.

Inside it I carry;

extra compass.

roll of orange surveyors tape.

several red shop rags.

first aid kit.

several 1 gallon zip-locs [one with a wet rag]

and the others for heart and liver.

dragging rope.

large syringe and needles, and baby food jar.[ before I split the pelvic bone, I extract the urine with the syringe and deposit it in the jar] You know why?

a couple of those instant heat pacs.

my skinning knife.

It may sound like a lot but it doesn't take much room, and everything in it is important. grin.gif

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