Grillin' Greenheads......


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Fresh greenheads on the grill smile.gif

Beautiful morning. I had ducks trying to land on me while I was putting out decoys. Fifteen minutes before legal shooting light. Finally got about 20 decoys out and all set up and ready to go--when all of a sudden it sounded like a jet plane was flying over my head. I had at least 50 woodies buzz me and land on the pond. Not really wanting to shoot any woodies (too pretty grin.gif) i played around with them for a bit when a nice group of mallards started circling. I popped one out of that group and couldn't "pump" another shell in (forgot that I was hunting with my new MB 935 (autoloader)--first time hunting with that gun grin.gif

Ended up with 3 Mallards--after 8am the ducks weren't flying too well. I had several groups working but there wasn't any movement on the water and the decoys were dead still--I think that is why a few of the groups didn't come on in:



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Re: Grillin\' Greenheads......

Great day! We used to tie a bungee cord to a heavy weight then attach te bungee to a line with a clip. That clip would be attached to a few dekes that in turn were tied to a line that ran to the blind. This is much more difficult to put into words than it is actually to do.

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