Taxidermy as a Career


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Re: Taxidermy as a Career

your best bet would be find a taxidermist in your area and let him know your interested in learning to do taxidermy work and see if you can come in and watch and learn or see if in the summer you can work for one and learn some of the ropes that way. there is also a couple of taxidermist schools but i am not sure if there is one close to you. go in and talk to someone you know and hunt with and see if they can get you in the door

rob k

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Re: Taxidermy as a Career

There are a couple of taxidermy schools not too far from you. One is the PA Institute of Taxidermy near Ebensburg and the other is the Northwoods School of Taxidermy in Stoystown. The best thing you can take in high school is any business classes you can. More small businesses fail because of business practices than for lack of customers.

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Re: Taxidermy as a Career


I am not a taxidermist, but taking some business and accounting classes would probably be a good idea.

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Good reply. wink.gif

You have plenty of time to learn taxidermy, but if you are not good in business relations and accounting, you will be worthless. Get all the schooling in business and advertising you can. I also recommend you get at least 2 years in college on these subjects. Also while in college you can take courses in wildlife bioligy which will help you in a big way in studying animal anonamy.

Learn on how to deal with people . Communication skills is a must.

Anyone can do taxidermy work and do it well, but only a few succeed at it in business.

PS: I also want to ad, ....take up sculpting in art classes, like working with clay. This will help you so much if you can master the art of sculpture.

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