Remington CoreLokt Sabots and Bloodtrails


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I've been shooting the CoreLokt sabots from my 20 gauge for the last 2 seasons, I love the long range they give me (200 yards) but I'm hating that I can't get a blood trail with them.

I shot a doe FRI night of 1st shotgun season in IL, she ran once I shot and after looking for blood and for her and finding neither I figured I must have missed. Next morning I did a push through that area and I found her 60 yards from where I shot her. I shot her at 70 yards, bullet hit her in the shoulder and exited low behind the far leg, then traveled an additional 90 yards, hitting the pond dam and landing 30 yards out into the pond. There was no blood between where I shot her and where she lay and no blood where she lay all night. Had a similar thing happen last year on a buck I shot except I saw where he staggered and fell - otherwise I probably would have thought I missed him too.

I'm learning to hit them a little high in the shoulder so they drop in their tracks but I hate the thought of shooting a deer having it run 60 yards and not being able to find it due to no blood trail.

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Re: Remington CoreLokt Sabots and Bloodtrails

I hear ya Bud. That's what I don't like about ML sabots with XTP bullets. Your choices are either shoot them in a spot that anchors them right now or plan on following up for 100 yards after every shot. Another option is to change ammo.

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Re: Remington CoreLokt Sabots and Bloodtrails

The place in Southern IL that I shotgun hunt has a 300 acre grass field that I like to hunt and the range comes in handy. But I would say that even when I'm hunting the grass fied the majority of my shots are -100 yards. Other than the grass field I hunt a hardwood timber and the shots are pretty much -75 yards.

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