A more accurate electoral map.


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Guest andymansavage

Re: A more accurate electoral map.

Wow slugster, they even used your favorite color.

I am proud to say that my state handed Kerry the biggest spanking...........no love lost for him here.

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Guest andymansavage

Re: A more accurate electoral map.

I never said that you were gay, or that you smoke pot. I was just messing with you. I have more important things to worry about than what team you play for. I just thought that you had a sense of humor, a mistake I will avoid in the future.........

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Re: A more accurate electoral map.

The friggin map has nothing to do with who won or lost or whining. Have you seen me type one whine about Kerry losing or trying to say there was voter fraud or some other crap. NO!! The map was simply to show how divided as a country we are and how even though the other maps show red or blue I thought it might be interesting to show how the states were closer than just a simple red or blue color, I guess that type of thinking is way above most of you guy's heads. Marky is the only one on here that's got any friggin sense and doesn't run his mouth without understanding what he's looking at.

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Re: A more accurate electoral map.

That map really is not a good example in reality. Looking at numbers and where the votes came from it is obvious Kerry got the city and minority vote which is in much more confined spaces. Heard on the radio last week Bush won the vote in households of incomes greater than $50,000(not exactly rich folks) per year 80 percent to Kerry's 20. Imagine that. Shows who really is supporting Kerry.

Numbers are numbers and anyone can play with them and try to lessen the blow of Kerrys loss for whatever reason, but he still lost.

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Re: A more accurate electoral map.


Heard on the radio last week Bush won the vote in households of incomes greater than $50,000(not exactly rich folks) per year 80 percent to Kerry's 20. Imagine that. Shows who really is supporting Kerry.

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Incomes greater than 50,000$ imagine that, I never would have guessed. I will probably make less than 10K this year and I voted for Kerry, I guess I shouldn't have voted since it seems from your post that anyone who doesn't make more than that should vote. I'm not a minority and I don't live in a large city, so I guess I am the exception, and my fiance, ohh, and my Christian mother who lives in Central Florida, she trumped them all, because she doesn't believe morals and someone's supposed Chrisitanity, has any bearing on running the country, in fact, she hated Clinton when he was President, voted for Perot both times I think, but you know what, she wishes Clinton could run again, imagine that. There is a lot more to running this country than saying God Bless America and wearing a cowboy hat. A Connecticut Yankee in Sam Houstons Court.... I just thought of a new play.

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Re: A more accurate electoral map.


I will probably make less than 10K this year and I voted for Kerry,

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Recollect you saying you were possibly going to vote for Bush based on Kerry and some issues. Sorry bud, your candidate, lost get over it.

My point was the majority of the working class people did not vote for Kerry, who claimed to be for the working class man/woman family. Those are exit polls anyway and who knows how accurate they really are.

In a sense you are in a minority of those who are not a minority who did vote for Kerry. LOL. Not saying no one did, just not as large a percentage as those who supported Bush.

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Re: A more accurate electoral map.

What is working class, is working class those who make more than 50k and have more than most people and don't have to worry about health insurance, or is working class those who work a dead end job or 2 jobs during the week, struggling each week to pay the bills and put food on the table and has to worry about getting sick because they don't have health insurance or one of their kids getting sick for the same reason. Maybe you're better off than you were under Clinton, congratulations, many people are not, I am not and I am sure there are some on here that are not. But don't mistake the working class as someone who goes to an office and signs the papers that everyone else works to produce and gets paid a pittance, while he goes off to the country club every afternoon and plays golf and sleeps with his best friends wife.

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Re: A more accurate electoral map.


But don't mistake the working class as someone who goes to an office and signs the papers that everyone else works to produce and gets paid a pittance, while he goes off to the country club every afternoon and plays golf and sleeps with his best friends wife

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So according to what you are saying here those who make more than $50,000 are not working class. Dude you really need to take off the blinders, you have a really screwed up perception of life. My last job I worked in a factory in production and was making near $35,000 a year. Not a great wage really, but not too bad for around here. I put my wife through nursing school and now she works and makes pretty decent money. After or second daughter was born seeing as how she made considerably more than I did we chose for me to take a layoff from my job to stay home and take care of our kids and our farm rather than forking out nearly a half of what I would be making after taxes and insurance for daycare. We are not hardly "office" people as you seem to be suggesting. We made sacrifices to get ourselves in a better situation. You are going to school and seems to me you would get it, but for whatever reason you dont. You seem to me to have a pretty screwed up attitude towards those who are better off than yourself. It is not the Presidents fault you are not making more money, nor is it mine or my wifes. You were in the military and around here I know for a fact that ex military people get jobs very easily at the unemployemnt office. They get what is in a sense special treatment and they deserve it. Why you dont make more than you do is not my fault. You chose to be where you are. If you cannot find a better job dont blame those who make more than you.

I understand that there are those out there who are less fortunate and those who are working to better themselves just as we did, but there are also those out there who could care less about doing anything to better their lives when they have the same opportunites we do. I did work two jobs to get through the community college I went to, matter of fact I made minimum of $20,000 while working and going to school in Orlando back in the late 80's early 90's, because I busted my rump. Dont try and tell me about working two jobs and about hard times. I did not kick back and wait for opportunites to come to me and expect help from the government. I understood that it was not anyones place but my own to make things happen for me.

I hope your schooling secures you a good future, I got as far as an associates degree and that has really not made any difference in my ability to get any jobs.

Bush's tax cuts by the way did in fact help out many families with children who made less than $50,000 as well. As far as how those people in that bracket under that figure voted, I did not hear any numbers, but bet that seeing as how the minorities favor democrats as they like to take away from the rich like us and give to them I bet the number was leaned considerably more towards Kerry.

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Re: A more accurate electoral map.


. Maybe you're better off than you were under Clinton, congratulations, many people are not, I am not and I am sure there are some on here that are not.

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SS, aren't you the one that had a decent paying job driving a truck, and VOLUNTARILY quit that because you didn't like it, but didn't have a back-up plan at the same time, and were unemployed for 6 months and all this was Bush's fault? Man, you must live in a dream world! I know, your playing that ole WO is me tune, looking for pity from elsewhere, at least that's what it sounds like to me alot of the time!

As William has stated, weren't you in the military? Seems to me that holds alot of preference in job interviews these days.

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Re: A more accurate electoral map.



. Maybe you're better off than you were under Clinton, congratulations, many people are not, I am not and I am sure there are some on here that are not.

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SS, aren't you the one that had a decent paying job driving a truck, and VOLUNTARILY quit that because you didn't like it, but didn't have a back-up plan at the same time, and were unemployed for 6 months and all this was Bush's fault? Man, you must live in a dream world! I know, your playing that ole WO is me tune, looking for pity from elsewhere, at least that's what it sounds like to me alot of the time!

As William has stated, weren't you in the military? Seems to me that holds alot of preference in job interviews these days.

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That boy is a whimpering pup that blames everyone else for his problems. I wish he'd just go hunting and shut up........... grin.gif

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Re: A more accurate electoral map.

Oh yeah, I also forgot to add, while Clinton was in office back in 1992 I was unable to get in the air force due to failing the physical at the meps station in memphis because the physician recognized that I had heart troubles. I did not nor do I blame Clinton for not being able to get in the service even though he was cutting the military and I did not feel sorry for myself. Fortunately because I had worked my way up to it, I had another job as a service manager for a satellite company at the time I was attempting to get in the service, but wanted to go in and take advantage of what the air force had to offer me and was not able to. Ended up doing pretty well for myself with the satellite company over the next 4 years after that up until the time they went out of business. Yeah, that is right they went out of business while Clinton was in office and the economy was so great, I quit just before they did go under. Went from a 45 grand a year job to unemployed and still managed to find work making enough to support my family and put my wife through school.

Life is not fair buddy. I saw kids that were black get scholarships with lesser grades and scores on tests than mine. And those "underpriveledged" people that got assistance for school while I had to work. I saw kids whose parents paid their way for them while I was working sometimes 60-70 hours a week going to school.

We had a discussion before about ambition. Maybe you can tell me and everyone else in here what kind of encouragement does a person get to better themself if they have only to look forward to having to give up more of what they work for when they could just sit back and be lazy and live off those who do work harder and do try to further better themselves. Does not hardly seem in any way encouraging to me at all.

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Re: A more accurate electoral map.



. Maybe you're better off than you were under Clinton, congratulations, many people are not, I am not and I am sure there are some on here that are not.

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SS, aren't you the one that had a decent paying job driving a truck, and VOLUNTARILY quit that because you didn't like it, but didn't have a back-up plan at the same time, and were unemployed for 6 months and all this was Bush's fault? Man, you must live in a dream world! I know, your playing that ole WO is me tune, looking for pity from elsewhere, at least that's what it sounds like to me alot of the time!

As William has stated, weren't you in the military? Seems to me that holds alot of preference in job interviews these days.

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Never been to Fayetteville, NC have you, walk in the unemployment office and I'll guarantee 90% of the people in there have been in the military as well as any job you apply for. People get out and stay here, military experience doesn't mean jack here.

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Re: A more accurate electoral map.

I’ve been reading these threads and have resisited the urge to comment but I can no longer resist that urge.

I guess it really comes down to two beliefs.

1. The belief that it’s better the live in a country that allows for the opportunity of success, wealth and riches.

2. The belief that wealth and riches are something that is granted by a governing body.

All you have to do is look around at the countries that have tried the “spreading the wealth” concept to see it doesn’t work. You have a society that is split by wealth and poverty and no mention of the middle class.

I would much rather live in a country that allowed you the opportunity to better yourself than to live in a country that dictated how much you’re allowed to keep. You may curse those that make millions, or in the case of this thread, make more than $50k a year and you have that right. But don’t turn your back on the fact that these people get up every day and EARN it only for the sole reason that YOU haven’t gotten up and taken advantage of the same opportunities.

You have choices in life from the beginning and throughout your life and it’s those choices that will dictate where you end up.

I took the easy route when I was growing up. I went to college for a short period of time and then decided that it’s better to make a little money than invest time into books.

Well son, it didn’t take me long in this world to realize just how stupid my thinking was!

From that choice it’s been a struggle, working days and going back to school at nights but I did it and I EARNED IT and I TOOK ADVANTAGE OF THE OPPORTUNITIES THAT THIS COUNTRY ALLOWS and today yes, I’m the SOB that makes over $50k a year. I drive the nice automobile, I live in a nice house and my family is better off for it, but don’t you dare ever insinuate that I HAVEN’T EARNED everything I’ve accumulated and furthermore, it’s this mentality of “I don’t have it so I deserve it” that has really divided this country in my opinion. Look around, every opportunity is at your disposal and still, there are some that have the belief that government handouts are the better way to get it than actually getting off there asses and taking advantage of everything this country allows.

Yes, there were a lot of people better off under the Clinton Admin but don't think for a second that some under-rated SOB from Arkansas had much to do with it. Unless you want to give him credit for encouraging businesses to falsely report earnings and creating tax loopholes that allowed the same businesses to report 401k's as earnings and to allow them to take those savings and blow in failed business practices. Yes - if you give credit for one thing, you have to give credit for the whole **** thing.

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Re: A more accurate electoral map.


but don’t you dare ever insinuate that I HAVEN’T EARNED everything I’ve accumulated and furthermore, it’s this mentality of “I don’t have it so I deserve it” that has really divided this country in my opinion.

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I love it when people try to talk tough to me, I love it how everyone on here seems to know me so well that they continously talk outta their rears. Good for you Parrothead, you worked hard for your money, so do the people making crap for money, do they deserve it, if they worked for it, do they deserve health insurance, yep, sure do, but they can't afford it. Not everybody gets the opportunities that are somehow so prevalent in this country that everyone would be able to have a decent life, in fact, numerous people on here have said that not everyone should make a decent living, the " the world needs ditch diggers " attitude, so why should people try to better themselves when they have to face attitudes like that, why should the inner city kid study hard when he has teachers and family members and employers telling him he won't amount to anything and then he winds up wanting to be a rapper and capping somebody over a pair of tennis shoes that he couldn't afford.

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Re: A more accurate electoral map.




. Maybe you're better off than you were under Clinton, congratulations, many people are not, I am not and I am sure there are some on here that are not.

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SS, aren't you the one that had a decent paying job driving a truck, and VOLUNTARILY quit that because you didn't like it, but didn't have a back-up plan at the same time, and were unemployed for 6 months and all this was Bush's fault? Man, you must live in a dream world! I know, your playing that ole WO is me tune, looking for pity from elsewhere, at least that's what it sounds like to me alot of the time!

As William has stated, weren't you in the military? Seems to me that holds alot of preference in job interviews these days.

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Never been to Fayetteville, NC have you, walk in the unemployment office and I'll guarantee 90% of the people in there have been in the military as well as any job you apply for. People get out and stay here, military experience doesn't mean jack here.

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SS, what does the unemployment office have to do with you QUITTING a decent job, with no back up plan, I don't understand. But to help you out, I did some research for you, here is the EMPLOYMENT listing in the FAyetteville, NC Paper, surely there is something in there even you can do.


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Re: A more accurate electoral map.


Not everybody gets the opportunities that are somehow so prevalent in this country that everyone would be able to have a decent life, in fact, numerous people on here have said that not everyone should make a decent living, the " the world needs ditch diggers " attitude, so why should people try to better themselves when they have to face attitudes like that, why should the inner city kid study hard when he has teachers and family members and employers telling him he won't amount to anything and then he winds up wanting to be a rapper and capping somebody over a pair of tennis shoes that he couldn't afford.

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Let me break it down so maybe even you can understand. Take a family of four squeaking by making 50 grand. You have two people working and two kids to feed, so basically split that income down to 4. Now you are at 12500 for each. Now take the daycare and the taxes out of that and oh yeah, even those with decent jobs have to pay for their insurance with some employers as we do so take that out too. Does not sound so good as you like to make it sound. Why should that family have to pick up the tab for others insurance and for others to get governmental help when they are having to pay for everything they get themselves. Not hardly right. The numbers are really not what they seem and you just dont seem to understand, but maybe someday you will have some responsiblities and you might finally get it.

As far as making it and jobs, even a ditch digger making 8 bucks an hour who busts his rump with a wife also working can make in excess of 50 grand a year.

Do you look hard for work persistantly? Do you try hard to pick up extra money by working overtime or at least ask for it? Almost seems to me that you in some way expect work to come looking for you and for it to be something that YOU LIKE. Here in the real world you might just have to suck it up and do a job that you dont like. Have had plenty of jobs I did not enjoy, but you got to do what you got to do and waiting expecting for someone else to take care of it for you will be waiting for a long time.

From what I can tell from what you yourself have said right here in these forums you likely work less than 20 hours a week.

Not everyone gets the opportunites as you suggest, many people make opportunites by putting themselves in the position to get there by earning those opportunities.

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Re: A more accurate electoral map.


Do you look hard for work persistantly? Do you try hard to pick up extra money by working overtime or at least ask for it? Almost seems to me that you in some way expect work to come looking for you and for it to be something that YOU LIKE. Here in the real world you might just have to suck it up and do a job that you dont like. Have had plenty of jobs I did not enjoy, but you got to do what you got to do and waiting expecting for someone else to take care of it for you will be waiting for a long time.

From what I can tell from what you yourself have said right here in these forums you likely work less than 20 hours a week.

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I don't even know why I bother anymore, I wish people would read everything instead of reading into everything. I work 40 hours a week and I like my job. I get overtime when overtime is approved because I work for a college that likes to spend money on everything but security. I have no desire to look for another job because even though I don't get paid much I like my job and I get free tuition which in turn leads to GI Bill money. I don't know why I have to keep explaining this, probably because nobody friggin listens.

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Re: A more accurate electoral map.

So your gross at under 10 grand a year is under $192 a week. At 40 hours that is under $5 an hour. Burger flippers make more than that here.


I have no desire to look for another job

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Showing quite a bit of ambition there buddy. Sorry if it was me and I was worried about supporting myself I would not be complaining about it if I was not out looking to find better.

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