Injury and Antler Growth

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Re: Injury and Antler Growth

Supposedly, left brain controls right side of body, right brain controls left side of body. Anymore specific than that...I don't know.

What I do buck this year had drop tine on the right antler and a wounded left rear leg, that had healed over some time ago.

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Re: Injury and Antler Growth

Responded to this in the deer hunting room to, but here you go.




I have heard the same thing, and witnessed three bucks that were injured on one side and had a messed up antler on the other.

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Really? I wonder what the physiological reason is for that? It's news to me. Thanks guys, I think I'll post the question in the Management Forum!

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From Leonard Lee Rue III's Way of the Whitetail.

" It is well known that the right part of the brain controls the left side of the body and vice versa. In deer, an injury to the leg on one side of the body shows up as malformed antlers on the opposite side. This condition usually manifests itself for the rest of the deer's life and is known as contralateral condition "

It is also noted that this contralateral condition is more commonly seen in antler deformities in rear leg injuries.

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Re: Injury and Antler Growth

I do not know where I heard that, but it has been spoken over and over, about an injury effecting the oppisite side antlers growth.

I have wittnessed and taken a injured buck that had a malformed right side and a injured left rear leg.

Thats proof enough for me.

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