Kind of interesting


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Much like we hunters pattern deer movements and habits-I think the same goes for deer(especially ones that have had a few hunting seasons behind them)pattern us.One time I was still hunting at the bottom of a ridge.There was another hunter on the top and when I got to the ridge top he said there was a nice little buck "tracking" me.He walked every where I walked and I never knew he was behind me.

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Re: Kind of interesting

That's one of the reasons that it's so important to watch your back-trail while "STILL"hunting.I've caught deer sneaking across behind me on quite a few occassions.

I also believe that deer can pattern hunters better than hunters can pattern That's why you should never over hunt an area. It allows you to keep the eliment of surprise in your favour. A relaxed deer is easier to hunt than an edgy one. wink.gif

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Re: Kind of interesting

this is how i outsmarted this guy.

i hunt on a powerline , and there was 8 nice rubs about 200 yards above me .

4 mornings in a row i walked to my tree ( i had to walk close to them to get there) and just after daylight he would start snorting up by the rubs and i saw him once but had no clean shot. i decided to hang a orange coat on a tree by the rubs on my way out of the woods on the 4th night -- the next morning there was no snorting and he walked out below me . i like to think that i tricked him and he let down his guard. 336%3C894%3B23232%7Ffp6%3A%3Dot%3E2328%3D%3B89%3D%3C63%3Dxroqdf%3E232338658%3C7%3C%3Aot1lsi

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Re: Kind of interesting

One afternoon last fall me and a buddy were bored sitting so we decided to do some small pushes in a new area, at the same time hoping we will see a good buck, or maybe get one walk pass us within bow range. One would go ahead about 800 yards and find a good place to hide and the other would walk really slow trying to push the deer with the light breeze at his back.I was sitting for bout 1/2 hour and had a few mules and a couple little whites come by and then I heard something so I got the grunt tube and waited, it was the guy I was with not 50 yards slowly coming toward me. The not 5 ft behind him I see a huge deer[170"] stand up out of some fallen trees. He did not see the deer or see me yet,The deer is just standing there, and when he is about 20 yards away, the deer walkes on his trail for about 10 yards and then cuts off into the thicket watching the guy at all time and not making a bit of noise,I tried a grunt, to try and stop the deer and get the guys attention couse the deer was only 20 yards or so away from him and now only 40-50 from me. The guy looked at me and I was pointing but he could not tell what was going on so he started to talk, all he seen was a glimse of the deer running away through the brush! After that day I started getting alot more respect for the big boys!! They are smarter than us LOL!!

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Re: Kind of interesting

I'm glad that we will never know everything about deer and their movements. It's fun trying to outguess them. I once hung my hunting jacket in my treestand and sat on the ground about 50 yards up the trail the deer were using. I ended up with a 8 yard shot on one just staring at my stand.Now that was fun!!!!


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