Deer running circles

brad dryden

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I shot a deer the last day of gun season with the muzzleloader and it droped and kept running and falling in a 30yd radius and dident try to run for the woods so I got down walked to it and it was just laying their alert so I tried to walk on the other side to get a better shot then it jumped up and just kept running circle withing a 15-20yd radius I dident know what to think when I seen this so I shot reloaded and did this 2 more times all shots hitting it after I ran out of bullits and started to walk away then it headed towards the woods make this a little shorter I shot the deer every time once 5 in about tail or so one hit a lung, another hit the skull but guess it grazed the skull and dident penitrate and one in the throat and it went over 400yds before fianly dying.

But why did it keep running cirlce and it did this more than 10 times.

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Re: Deer running circles

I agree, sounds like you may have hit the spine but if it ran anywhere then that leads me to believe you didn't, you really should consider shooting it 5 additional times, that is crazy, besides ruining the meat you were putting the animal in misery for a long time, make a quick clean kill, even if that means having to make ONE kill shot after the initial shot, just take your time and make the first shot count, at least you were able to recover the animal.

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Re: Deer running circles


I shot a deer the last day of gun season with the muzzleloader and it droped and kept running and falling in a 30yd radius and dident try to run for the woods so I got down walked to it and it was just laying their alert so I tried to walk on the other side to get a better shot then it jumped up and just kept running circle withing a 15-20yd radius I dident know what to think when I seen this so I shot reloaded and did this 2 more times all shots hitting it after I ran out of bullits and started to walk away then it headed towards the woods make this a little shorter I shot the deer every time once 5 in about tail or so one hit a lung, another hit the skull but guess it grazed the skull and dident penitrate and one in the throat and it went over 400yds before fianly dying.

But why did it keep running cirlce and it did this more than 10 times.

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You need to practice a little more. And when a deer is doing this next time (hopefully a next time won't happen) you need to put the shot right behind his shoulder. I wasn't there, but that's pretty unethical to keep shooting it over and over.

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Guest tyshe17

Re: Deer running circles

I have shot several deer that were double lunged and ran in A circle and fell. The only time I heard of a deer do this more than once was when the bullet hit its ear (which you said you hit its head) then the bullet went into a lung and liver. The deer ran in 3 circles and droped dead. My guess is the first shot grazed the head, this disoriented the deer and when it was shot agian it couldnt get on a stright line to get away. Anytime you shoot a deer five times (once getting a lung) I would also be worried about my bullets performance. Sounds like there is something to be desired there as far as a clean kill.

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Re: Deer running circles

First of all fellas I had practice shooting out to 130yds and thats about how far the deer was and I was hiting a 2in group and I shot like that for about 6 shots then 2 days latter I took it out and when I shot the first shot hit the lung and destroyed almost half of it so the first shot was a good shot and when this deer went wild like that I thought maybe I cliped its spin and I dident want it to suffer and some of you all are saying I shot 5 but shot only 4 and some of you all say its unethical to keep shooting I dont consider that unethical at all unless I knew my gun was shoting off and still took it out hunting and wounded it then that right their would be unethical but I hate to shot a deer and see it sufer becouse as I said I thought it may have cliped the spin and I wasent about to let it suffer and I walked around to get a clean shot as it was laying but the angle would have been a gut shot more or less and when I shot it in the neck its when I was leading the shot I dident add that I was 30yds or so away and thats why that wasent a bad shot their and stuff like that happens and I never said anything about gut shooting this deer one shot hit the lung the other hit about middle of the throat and one grazed the skull but never exited becouse when I shot at that instint it turned and shot it their the other hit a little past front shoulder and I fallow all hunting rules if I was breaking them that would also be unethical same as if the gun wasent sighted in so I am not a unethical hunter and also someone said here I ruined the meat Im not sure how they got that but the meat was just fine and also I wasent torminting the animal how the heck do you get that yeah if I set their beat with a stick and or somthing of that nature that right their would be tormiting the thing and dont see what so ever of what I did unthical.

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Re: Deer running circles

I think we're jumping on Brad a little harshly here personally. Sure taking a number of shots isn't the best of scenarios, but we weren't there and don't know what happened. I think we all know how the heart can get racing and we tend to lose our heads a bit and do things we normally don't do in the heat of the moment.

I'll admit is is a curious story. I guess my question is, why didn't you try a follow up shot while it was laying still? confused.gif

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Re: Deer running circles

I dident becouse the angle it was with its butt towards me and the only shot I had then was basicly a neck shot when I was walking to get a lung shot off I was just a couple of steps away from having a good shot but he jumped up and thats when it kept running in cirlcle and their once or twice I was backing away becouse it seem it was trying to make a run at me so I steped back a couple yards in case it did.

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Re: Deer running circles


First of all fellas I had practice shooting out to 130yds and thats about how far the deer was and I was hiting a 2in group and I shot like that for about 6 shots then 2 days latter I took it out and when I shot the first shot hit the lung and destroyed almost half of it so the first shot was a good shot and when this deer went wild like that I thought maybe I cliped its spin and I dident want it to suffer and some of you all are saying I shot 5 but shot only 4 and some of you all say its unethical to keep shooting I dont consider that unethical at all unless I knew my gun was shoting off and still took it out hunting and wounded it then that right their would be unethical but I hate to shot a deer and see it sufer becouse as I said I thought it may have cliped the spin and I wasent about to let it suffer and I walked around to get a clean shot as it was laying but the angle would have been a gut shot more or less and when I shot it in the neck its when I was leading the shot I dident add that I was 30yds or so away and thats why that wasent a bad shot their and stuff like that happens and I never said anything about gut shooting this deer one shot hit the lung the other hit about middle of the throat and one grazed the skull but never exited becouse when I shot at that instint it turned and shot it their the other hit a little past front shoulder and I fallow all hunting rules if I was breaking them that would also be unethical same as if the gun wasent sighted in so I am not a unethical hunter and also someone said here I ruined the meat Im not sure how they got that but the meat was just fine and also I wasent torminting the animal how the heck do you get that yeah if I set their beat with a stick and or somthing of that nature that right their would be tormiting the thing and dont see what so ever of what I did unthical.

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This is a comma ( , ) it is used to separate ideas in a sentence. This is a period ( . ) it is used to show the end of a idea or sentence. Or did you type that all in one breath? crazy.gif

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Re: Deer running circles

it was in the state of confusion! it had no idea what was going on, and why that bee kept stinging arnt very smart after something keeps shooting at it..2 weekends ago i shot at 2 does 3 times and they just walked off in the timber not 3 feet away from my dad..he was just walking through the timber...and he didnt know whether to shoot them that close or hit them in the head with his

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Re: Deer running circles



First of all fellas I had practice shooting out to 130yds and thats about how far the deer was and I was hiting a 2in group and I shot like that for about 6 shots then 2 days latter I took it out and when I shot the first shot hit the lung and destroyed almost half of it so the first shot was a good shot and when this deer went wild like that I thought maybe I cliped its spin and I dident want it to suffer and some of you all are saying I shot 5 but shot only 4 and some of you all say its unethical to keep shooting I dont consider that unethical at all unless I knew my gun was shoting off and still took it out hunting and wounded it then that right their would be unethical but I hate to shot a deer and see it sufer becouse as I said I thought it may have cliped the spin and I wasent about to let it suffer and I walked around to get a clean shot as it was laying but the angle would have been a gut shot more or less and when I shot it in the neck its when I was leading the shot I dident add that I was 30yds or so away and thats why that wasent a bad shot their and stuff like that happens and I never said anything about gut shooting this deer one shot hit the lung the other hit about middle of the throat and one grazed the skull but never exited becouse when I shot at that instint it turned and shot it their the other hit a little past front shoulder and I fallow all hunting rules if I was breaking them that would also be unethical same as if the gun wasent sighted in so I am not a unethical hunter and also someone said here I ruined the meat Im not sure how they got that but the meat was just fine and also I wasent torminting the animal how the heck do you get that yeah if I set their beat with a stick and or somthing of that nature that right their would be tormiting the thing and dont see what so ever of what I did unthical.

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This is a comma ( , ) it is used to separate ideas in a sentence. This is a period ( . ) it is used to show the end of a idea or sentence. Or did you type that all in one breath? crazy.gif

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Brad, you may not be able to kill a deer with a gun, but you almost killed me with that run-on sentence. Just kidding with ya.

One of the good things about this forum is if someone thinks you did something unethical, they will tell you. It helps to keep people in check with the laws, with the animals, and with God. Take it as loving criticism and learn from it.

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Re: Deer running circles


I shot the deer every time once 5 in about tail or so one hit a lung, another hit the skull but guess it grazed the skull and dident penitrate and one in the throat and it went over 400yds before fianly dying.

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I dident becouse the angle it was with its butt towards me and the only shot I had then was basicly a neck shot

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I read 5 shots, then the correction is 4 shots. I read a shot to the throat, then the claim that Brad does not want to take a neck shot. I am too confused. This story is too hard to follow.

Dont mean to be hard on you buddy, but your story is really not too clear, and it does make you come off with what I personally would consider to be qualities that I associate with thosee that are unethical.

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Re: Deer running circles

I would have let it calm down and lay down. Then finished it off. I understand you are trying to finish the job as quickly as possible, but by waiting a few minutes it can be over quicker than forcing the issue and it taking an hour.

PS: the story is extremely difficult to follow without punctuation.

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Re: Deer running circles

Im sorry guys about the punctuations and such but when I should have just let it go and I know that but I lost my head their for a min or so but at first I dident know I shot it in a lung.

Another thing yes I did shoot it accidently in the throat when it was running and tried to follow through with the shot but dident take consideration of realy how close I was.

When I was walking up on it trying to circle around to get a clean lung or heart shot it jumped up and thats when I dident know what was going on I was more in shock becouse I have never heard or seen a deer do this before.

If I would have known it was a lung shot I would have let it gone and waited but also im sure their has been a situation we got into some time or another where we lost or heads for a sec or two but that dosent make me a UNETHICAL hunter just becouse that happend witch is the first its ever happend every one messes up sometime or another and mine came to me that day.

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Re: Deer running circles

Sorry bud, not by any means calling you unethical, simply stating that your story as I read it made it sound like you hunt in a manner I associate with unethical hunters.

In the future I would suggest putting a little more time into trying to get the story right where people can understand what you are intending to say. Read it through and make sure it is not so confusing to someone who was not there prior to your hitting the continue button.

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Re: Deer running circles

Nope, not calling you unethical. You were trying to do the ethical thing which is put it down ASAP. You just had one of theose days where everything does not go as planned. I would still suggest some more practice like the others mentioned. Get away from the benchrest and shoot from hunting positions like offhand, kneeling, sitting, etc. There is a big difference in unethical and unpracticed.

Anyone that has not made a bad shot at least once has not been hunting that long.

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