fitting poses w/ certain bucks


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maybe this if just me but does anyone else think that there are just some poses that fit a particular buck better than others and some that don't work for a certain buck, like my brother shot a dandy 130 typical 8 the other year and the full sneak just didn't look good on it at all so he went with the semi-sneak, me on the other hand i shot a big 147 typical 10 this year and the full-sneak just seems to make the deer look the best, maybe i am just a little biased to deer and forms but it seems to be that way for me.

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Re: fitting poses w/ certain bucks

I definitely think so. I am not a taxidermist, but whenever I go there, I make sure what ever side of my bucks antlers is most impressive, is turned for the best viewing. Like this guy..notice the antler missing the point is towards the back. This picture angle doesn't really support what I was saying, but if it was taken from directly in front of the deer, the brow tine would be visible easily.


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