Picture of my wife's first buck ...


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I thought you'd like to see a picture of my wife's first buck, ever. We were hunting Sunday evening, when she saw him following two does off to the northeast of us. She rattled her antlers, and he came in on a string right to us. She saw his messed up left side, and decided that was the buck she wanted to shoot. When he got to 30 yards, he was broadside and she smoked him...the pink Muzzy-tipped arrow went through both lungs, and stuck in the ground on the other side of the buck. He ran 60 yards and dropped. I got the entire hunt on film, as well. This is her second deer of the year - she nailed a nice fat doe at 27 yards back in October with another double lung hit. She's doing great this season!!!


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Re: Picture of my wife\'s first buck ...

somewhere in that bucks life he has been hurt i bet and that is why the left antler is the way it is i would guess. as for mrs. kansan congrats on your unique buck he will definately make a good conversation piece on your wall at home. and congrats to you mr kansan you have a great hunting partner and getting her on video is probably the most exciting hunting time you will of had and both will enjoy it for a long time

congrats to both of you

rob k

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Re: Picture of my wife\'s first buck ...



Kansan's wife is a hottie! grin.gif Sorry, i mean nice deer, and congrats! That left side is really cool.

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beat me to it. grin.gif

congrats bud

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Yep, I think its decided, your wife is a hottie and so is her buck.... grin.gif

Congratulations to you both. wink.gif

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