Deer Hunting in Kansas or Illinois???


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Hey guys, wanted to get some input and info on hunting in Kansas. I have been on guided trips to the Milk River, MT as well as One Texas Hunt a few years ago. But I have heard a lot of guys say that "if you want to kill the buck of a lifetime go to Kansas." Is this statement true? What is the average score on a whitetail buck in Kansas? Also a list of reputable guide services would be great. Thanks for any and all info you can provide.

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Re: Deer Hunting in Kansas???

Thanks Dan, my cousin actually flew up to Illinois this morning to hunt through Saturday. Not sure with what outfitter or even where in Ill but a friend of his killed a nice 215 or so class buck earlier in the season. I did hear that it is much easier to draw a tag in Illinois. I believe that Kansas has a lottery but not 100% sure.

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Re: Deer Hunting in Kansas???

yeah i would reccamend IL hunter for deer me a lot of big deer here....some say its over hunted but its really not...theres a lot of ppl that really dont know what they are doing so its not really over dan said though kansas is pretty good, but i would much rather hunt the HARD timber and the corn bred bucks of Illinois any day!

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Re: Deer Hunting in Kansas or Illinois???

I would go to Kansas but the quality of deer are going to be about the same (big bodies and heavy racks). As for an outfitter try Steve at I hunted with them 4 years ago and they knock down some monsters every year.

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