Who Hates Rifle Season


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I usually take the old rifle out each year to hunt but the past two years i've switched to only bowhunting. I like more of a challenge and taking the rifle and shooting a deer at like 200 yrds. just doesn't do it for me!! This season has been horrible though. I have no property that I own but hunt alot of private properties that i hunt along with others. It just makes me mad because no one else bowhunts these properties so all bow season i'm working on patterning deer and finding the best spots to hunt, only to have every other rifle hunter come in the first week of the season and tromp around everywhere... i even had a guy in one of my stands one morning(man did i give it to him) and now i can't get a deer within 60 yrds. . I even tried to go deep in the thicket to find a guy around 8:00 come walking through with his gun!!!! Makes me soo mad, just wondered if anyone else felt the same.

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Guest lovinbowhuntin247365

Re: Who Hates Rifle Season

i dont own a rifle ... but i sometimes will take out a shtgun and shoot a few slugs through it just to see if its shootin accurate, and then take it out to try and get me a buck ... but it wouldtn break my heart if they shortened the rifle season a little bit

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Re: Who Hates Rifle Season

I don't hate rifle season....I hate the way most rifle hunters "hunt". This year had 4 guys walking under me at 8:00am, headed back the the house. Man...that's EARLY! Most guys around here don't kill deer tramping through the woods, but also so many don't have the skill to find a good stand site, which is why they end up walking around. I hate all the gunshots, and I get depressed when I see so many young bucks getting checked in. Now, this is all legal stuff, but I just don't really like it.... frown.gif The deer also are VERY educated after rifle season is over....

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Re: Who Hates Rifle Season

The deer also are VERY educated after rifle season is over....

[/ QUOTE ] ya, i know what you mean, in Ohio after shotgun season is over the deer have already went into big groups and are scared to death. But i did get a doe with my shotgun on opening day Monday wink.gif

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Re: Who Hates Rifle Season


I love rifle leason as well as bow season. There are just as many slob bowhyunters as rifle hunters (well as a % anyway). The difference is bowhunting poachers and slobs can be more discreet aobut it because of the lask of gunshots.

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I'll argue this one till the day I die...........

Most Bowhunters practice their craft all year long........

Most Gun-Hunters get their gun out of the closet,sight it in , and go hunting.

Put the percentages where you want......50/50....90/10........... it doesn't matter. But, I will guarantee you that the majority of Bowhunters take their hunting ALOT more seriously that the gun hunters

As far as the poaching thing goes.............

Show me the Bowhunter that can shoot an arrow out of the front seat of a truck. With the radio blasting, and not spill his beer.

Back to the original question....................

No I don't hate rifle season. I just wish that they would change the dates. Most gun seasons coincide with the rut and that completely messes up the deer patterns and behavior, as well as allowing those big-boys to be taken before their "time".

The one state that doesn't....................IOWA.............and who has some of the biggest deer...................IOWA.

I'm just sick of spending alot of time preparing for the season and the morons in orange show up during the heat of the rut, with their four-wheelers and airplanes and semi-autos, to kill off what they can......................................

No I don't hate them......................I guess I just don't understand them.


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Re: Who Hates Rifle Season

i guess it's really that i don't hate rifle season because that in part makes it more challenging becouse of the hunter orange requirment. But i do hate that people sit around all bow season and then shoot a buck that i passed on or a big buck i had been seeing from 100+ yrds. away. I just wish i had my own property so that i could bowhunt it year round and manage it without worrying about all this. I guess since i don't I really can't complain too much about it.

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Re: Who Hates Rifle Season


As far as the poaching thing goes.............

Show me the Bowhunter that can shoot an arrow out of the front seat of a truck. With the radio blasting, and not spill his beer.

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You have a point there grin.gif

I have tried to practice shooting my bow laying down...you know just in case a weird situation would warrant that shot....and I can't even do that steady grin.gif

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Re: Who Hates Rifle Season

I like them both actually. You see, some of the places I hunt, it would be kinda hard to bowhunt, I have tried. My folks have a place in Alabama that I hunt, specifically with rifle, due to the fact that I am trying to take as many does as I can, to thin the herd down some. Only one would have been close enough to take with bow, and I didn't bow hunt at the time.

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Re: Who Hates Rifle Season

I have arthritis in my shoulder. Hurts like fire to pull a bow back. I like gun season. I CAN choose NOT to shoot a deer at 200 yds. I CAN choose NOT to shoot from the truck. I CAN (and DO) choose NOT to drink alcohol when hunting. I CAN choose to sit in a tree stand and wait for a mature buck. I CAN choose to go to my land and practice (as much as my shoulder will allow) my shooting from different positions until I am proficient at each position. I CAN choose NOT to be a slob hunter even with a rifle.

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Guest whitetailarcher

Re: Who Hates Rifle Season

They have four seasons in the refuge during peak rut. I don't know doesn't seem sensible that they should get more and better time to shoot a deer than bowhunters, but maybe thats just me.

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Re: Who Hates Rifle Season

I don't like because I don't like all the gun shots. I only hunt private land where I am the only one there but listening to everyone else makes me uneasy about being out there. And I couldn't agree more with what jjL7913 said.

Plus If I'm not good enough to take a deer with my bow then it doesn't deserve to die. Thats just the way I feel about it.

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Re: Who Hates Rifle Season

I do not hate Rifle Season but I would much rather bow hunt. Here in KY our bow season runs from September until January so there's plenty of time. I do not think shortening gun seasons are the answer, however I would think that moving gun season away from the rut is a good idea. Here in KY our Rifle season opened on 11-12-05 and ended on 11-21-05 or 11-27-05 depending on where you live in the state. As you can see this is right on top of the rut. States like Iowa, Ohio, Kansas, and I think Illinos have their gun season after the rut. This is not to help out us bowhunters but to protect the bucks when they are the most vulnerable. I think that this makes excellent sense from a trophy deer management POV and I wish KY would do the same. I think we must be very careful with posts like these and the discussion of this topic in general as this can lead to infighting among us hunters and can also cause some to perceive bowhunters as "Eliteist." I think that we as hunters should be able to discuss this without attacking the other group, whether bow or gun hunter, as this can only give fuel to antis and perhaps sway for the worse for the opinion of a non hunter who doesn't really know how they feel about hunting and are still making up their mind. I hope this rant makes sense but I guess all I'm saying "United we stand divided we fall."

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