Who Hates Rifle Season


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Re: Who Hates Rifle Season

I only bow hunt and my take is, that most rifle hunters get in locations where they can see a long ways. I'll get in thickets where you can hardly see anything. Besides, it's fun dragging a deer by a gun hunter when you carry a bow! grin.gif

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Re: Who Hates Rifle Season

I'll admit I get uptight about gun season, mostly because I play by the rules when it comes to deer hunting, and I see a fair amount of people during gun season breaking the law.

I haven't seen anything bad this year yet, but last year I had to turn a young man around walking through my property, and my neighbor's property where he didn't have permission, and on top of that, I don't think he was old enough to hunt alone. He looked to be about 14 or 15. And the day after that incident, I witnessed 2 guys walk my neighbor's fenceline (which I found out later, they didn't have permission), and blast away at anything that moved.

It's too bad really. Lots of hunters in Ohio, not much land in a lot of cases. Way too much emphasis on killing stinking deer too.

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Re: Who Hates Rifle Season

i think some of us (including me) make deer "our property"

there is no deer in the woods that is "our property"

with that said i perfer to bow hunt, but i will take the ML out to shoot does

do i practice QDM yes but that is my choice not anybody else

do i work hard during the off season--yes

but once again my choice

i know some "bowhunters" who dont spend the time to shoot as much as they should

dont judge people by just a few bad apples


good tymes


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Guest BigAl1781

Re: Who Hates Rifle Season

we should all be out hunting instead of arguing over this,some like to bow huunt,some like to gun hunt,some like it all,it dose take more practice with archery than gun, and i do think people who hunt gun season need to practice more than "some" of them do,so it dosent sound like a war zone bc of people missing deer.here in Tn we have a pretty long archery season,so i dont complain,and gun season ML included dosent really bother me too much either bc my dad and I are the only ones who hunt our land...dont let "some" slob hunters give us all bad names and reps.,,,everyone should play by the book and have respect for each other and we will all be OK...jmo...be safe and wear orange!

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Re: Who Hates Rifle Season

Rifle just doesn't do it for me. I go out a couple times but not like I do in archery. My heart just isn't into it. I live for archery! Theres just to many morons here in PA. Do I hate it? No, not hate. Its a time to get out and enjoy the outdoors and spend time with family, can't beat that.

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Re: Who Hates Rifle Season

Here in IL. no rifles but we have shot gun season.The place i hunt in the last couple years has been really hard to get a tag so I relie on archery and do alot better at it then with the gun.I can hunt befor they get scared as **** from all the shotting.I shot bigger and more mature deer then I would with the gun.But iguess they need there season the way i need my archery season.

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Re: Who Hates Rifle Season

I rifle hunt, if I haven't tagged out already. I don't hate rifle season at all. but like Tominator I get a little uptight b/c of the fact that so many rifle hunters don't play by the rules. I'll always rifle hunt but I'll alays get uptight towards the guys that trespass and hunt out of their trucks for 5 weeks straight.

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Re: Who Hates Rifle Season

I get frustrated at times during rifle season mainly b/c there is a guy behind every tree around here, during bow season you might see 3 guys all year if your lucky. Second you seem to see alot more yellow posters up this time of year which really cuts down on your opportunities

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Re: Who Hates Rifle Season


Iowa doesn't have a rifle season, and I am glad we don't not only would more big bucks be getting killed but probably people. Just from the morons that push, like the people around here. it is amazing nobody ever gets killed.

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sorry to let you know but Iowa does have a rifle season now.. they just passed it this previous year. while you can only shoot a doe and its in the southern counties they do have one.

but our shotgun season here is just as bad.. thank goodness its after our rut .i just got back from Caseys to get a couple of doughnuts grin.gif and you should have seen all the orange jackets . this is the first morning of the first shotgun season. i sure hope they dont shoot each other..

i dont hate the gun season , but if they put an end to it it wouldnt bother me any at all. i would rather never shoot a 150 class buck with bow then to shoot 5 bucks with gun over 150 .

Shoot Strong


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Guest ILdeerhunter

Re: Who Hates Rifle Season

I like both for different reasons. I enjoy bowhunting for the challenge and up closeness but also like shotgun season because it increases my chances of getting some meat for the freezer. I don't get to bowhunt as much as I would like.

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Re: Who Hates Rifle Season


I enjoy all types of hunting. Bow, Gun, whatever.

The arrogance of some of these posts is just amazing. Like a bow hunter has never broken a law. Bow hunters never tresspass. After reading these posts you'd think bowhunters were the chosen one's. When you all get done patting yourselves on the back get a reality check.

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Love of one type of hunting and excluding another is personal prefference.....

I personally prefer hunting in anyway possible and the distinct challenges involved in each type.

BTW....Some peoples Reality Check will Bounce because of insufficient funds grin.gif

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Re: Who Hates Rifle Season

I prefer bow hunting to gun hunting but I don't hate the gun season. Like others have said I don't like the way some hunters act during rifle season. There are some of those same sort of hunters around during bow season too but because of incressed numbers of gun hunters as opposed to bow hunters there's less of those sort of problems to deal with during bow season.

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Re: Who Hates Rifle Season

I can't say I hate it, if I didn't rifle hunt I wouldn't have had deer in my freezer last year. I LOVE to bowhunt, but I like deer hunting. And well, let's face it folks I really LOVE the meat. So, being a bowhunter for only 3 years I'm still learning the ins and outs so I use my game tag during rifle season and do my management part and harvest a doe. When rifle season is over I go back to bowhunting for my first buck, and if that doesn't happen then I can rifle hunt for 8 days in January for a doe with my leftover bow tag. I can't say I despise rifle hunting, it feeds me through the year. But, I will agree there are some real idiots out there that should have never been allowed to even touch a rifle, let alone hunt living animals with them.

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Re: Who Hates Rifle Season


You took the words right out of my mouth. The only difference is that there is noone else that hunts near me. I hunted with my bow during shotgun season here in Indiana and it was horrible. I could have shot 5 different deer with my shotgun, but couldn't get a good shot with my bow based on their position behind some foilage.

Bowhunting is extremely difficult.

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Re: Who Hates Rifle Season

Illinois doesn't have a rifle season but we do have a shotgun season. I will always be in the woods during these days, just because it is another oportunity to be in the woods. Gun season just seems to bring the idiots out of the wood work. In no way am I saying all gun hunters are idiots, but firearm season definately brings out those few people that seem to have no business in the woods, let alone carrying a gun. There was a dog shot on public hunting ground this year cryin out loud. What is worse is that her owner was less that 10 feet from the dog when it was shot. Granted this lady should not have been taking a stroll through deer country on firearm weekend, but then again who throws lead in the air at a dog thinking it is a deer?

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