What kind of...


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Re: What kind of...

I have a Tru-Fire X-caliper and have no complaints with it, had it for about 15 years and no problems with it at all. Have tried others but still come back to old reliable.

If you have a pro shop that is close to your home go there and try some out, most pro shops have numerous ones you can try before you buy one.

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Re: What kind of...

For targets and 3-D I use a Scott Longhorn Pro back tension release. But for hunting i switch to a fail-safe 4 finger release. It seems that with the back tension release while hunting if i get and up or downhill shot, it's tough to get a good release sometimes. I'm not sure if they even make Fail-safe releases anymore, it's a hand-me-down from my dad. All Scott and Carter realeses seem to be nice though. I'd choose one that's comfortable for you and within your price range.

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