xbox 360

Guest Ritzer

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Re: xbox 360

WOW !! $800 bucks on a single item,, nope not here even if the wife and I had kids to buy gifts for.....

$800 goe's a long ways in paying the bills, and besides that kind of money for something that would be out-dated with a few months is crazy... IMHO, I would use that kind of money towards a nice hunt out of state somewhere if I had it..... wink.gif

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Re: xbox 360

I don't get into video game systems. Did see on the news where people were standing in line to get one in my area and thes store only had 4 of them. Is that a Bill Gates advertising scam or what. Keep volume low and the demand will be high!!

In 5 years they will be in someone's yard sale for $10.00 or less!! LOL!! smile.gif

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Re: xbox 360

There are thousands of these things for sale on Ebay right now.

For those who GOTTA HAVE ONE, WAIT a little. As soon as Microsofts production picks up (and it will) the bottom is gonna fall out of EBAY price.

The first ones sold on Ebay for around $4000.

You could buy parts to build an absolutely fabulous gaming PC for half that. The end product would be more powerful and versatile than any console package. You and your kids would learn a heck of a lot in the process as well. Once your done, upgrading is a lot cheaper than scrambling for the seasons new console. Plus they can still play all their old games on it after upgrade.

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Re: xbox 360

I am a gammer but I gotta agree with Leo on this one. Consoles are too pricey, and you can't upgrade them you just scrap them for the new one coming out every 2 years or so. I built my own gaming computer about 3 years ago for less than $600 and it is still competitive ( I havent' found a game yet that it can't run smoothly, including the MMORPGs) though no longer top of the line. Will probobly have to upgrade again sometime next year to stay up with the current gamming requirements.

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Re: xbox 360

Nope havent goten one yet, I will wait and see how the PS3 is when it comes out next spring/summer. I may end up getting one next Christmas really depends.

A few ppl I know have goten one after having to wait in line for 6hrs. People I have seen selling them on ebay for $1500-2000 and one even for $19,000 that had bids.

They are very powerful machines no doubt, were talkin 3 symmetrical cores running at 3.2Ghz each.

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Re: xbox 360

Well, fellas I will be buying one before Christmas if I can find it. I will not buy it off of ebay and I will not pay more then the stores are asking. The price of the the console doesn't concern me too much, it's the price of the games and the extras that you may have to buy. I just hope that I can find one before Christmas.

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Re: xbox 360

The Xbox 360 isn't anything compared to what the new PS3 will be. If I ever buy another console, it'll be the new playstation when it comes out, and thats coming from a big Xbox fan. They're overrated and overpriced, and there seems to be alot of problems and glitches with them that Microsoft is actually getting sued for right now. But for the mean time, I'll just use the old Xbox for my gaming!

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