where are the bucks?

Guest bigbucks125

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Guest bigbucks125

is anyone else not seeing any bucks. its been 12 days since the opener and i have not seen a buck since opening day. i know they are out there but havnt seen them latley. it could possibly be the weather changes but im just curious is anyone else having this problem.

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Re: where are the bucks?

During gun season, at least around here, the deer feel the pressure and hit areas that receive little pressure.

Think of the last spot you'd expect to see deer, then hunt those spots, and I'll bet you see deer.

I have a buddy coming over to my field tomorrow morning, and I'd bet there's at least one deer laying down back there. The only thing that will hurt his chances is the weather. Right now it's snowing, windy and cold, which is not a good situation for them laying down in an open field, but I've been surprised back there before.

Hunt the obscure areas and see what happens.

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