Loading TC shockwaves

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i just bought an encore and am shooting 300 grain shockwaves...i noticed they are a bit tough to load....pretty much took all i had to seat them properly....are all projectiles like this?i ran a spit patch in between shots...but it still seemed pretty tough..i am goin to get a handle to put on the end of the ramrod...hope this helps

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Re: Loading TC shockwaves

Im shooting the 250 shockwaves out of my Encore and they are a little tough to load also. I have the special recessed {sp} jag for the plastic tip sabots and this seem to really help. I couldnt believe how well the Encore/shockwave combo grouped at the range at 100 yards. It took only 3 shots to get it where I wanted on paper and then I played with my powder charge a little to fine tune. 100gr of 777 is what shot my best group so far. There were some guys shooting rifles there and they couldnt believe how well the Encore performed either. I had a better looking target shooting the ML than 3 of the guys shooting rifles.

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Re: Loading TC shockwaves


IMO, the lil extra it takes to load the Shockwaves is worth it! They are very accurate.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree. That tight seal is what makes them perform so well. It gives higher velocity, and the bullet will follow the rifling instead of the possibility of sliding/skipping some of the grooves.

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Re: Loading TC shockwaves

Seating the bullet was not an issue with my Encore. Starting it was. I have to put all my weight into the short starter to get it moving. Once I get it in the first couple inches it goes down and seats no problem. I'm using a Super Rat loading tool with a rotating head. The bullet seem to slide down nice and smooth with it as it follows the rifling.

I tried T/C Shockwaves last year and SST's this year both in 250 gr. Same problem hard to start.

IMO, I don't see where they are worth all the loading hassles. I tried them they are accurate. I'm going to stick with Precision QT40 235 gr. bullet which I think gives a slight edge in accuracy out of my gun and none of the loading issues. They cost twice as much but worth it to me.

I hear of guys buying SST's then buying Havester Sabots to shoot them that doesn't seem very cost effective. Maybe someday Hornady will offer the bullets bulk at a better price and you'll have the option to choose the sabot that works for you. Till then I'll stick with the qt40's.

I hope T/C and Hornady can come up with a solution.

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Re: Loading TC shockwaves

I tried them for the 1st time last week and got real good results but I agree.

A somina-batch to push down. shocked.gifcrazy.gif

I am sad to hear they have switch since it took me 6 years to find a real good shootin combo for my ML.

Dang it! mad.gif

I guess I need to go buy as much of the stuff as I can this year and stock pile it huh... crazy.gifwink.gif

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Re: Loading TC shockwaves

I took my Omega to the range and I too had a heck of a time getting the Hornady 250 gr. SST's started. I didn't think they were that hard last year.Never had a problem seating them. Their accuracy IS worth the effort in my opinion.

Hopefully, the starting issue will not be an excuse if I fail to get a second shot if needed in the deer woods this coming Monday.

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