opening day luck


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Re: opening day luck

alright here it uncle knows these guys from way back and they own half the country up here. well we met at the gate at 6 and it got to be shooting light about 7 or 7:30.but we drove into where we would hunt and the owners son took his sister and 2 other people to where they thought the elk were. the elk will run down the ridge 99.99999% of the time and they have every year they have hunted in there and they dont miss a year. but anyways we hiked up to the top of the ridge and got in some dead trees. we heard them start shooting and it wasnt long before the herd of about 75 to 100 elk were standing about 400 yards in front of us. my bro shot his right there and it dropped. but there were people stationed at other places and they were shooting also so the elk just milled around out in front of us because the other guy with us shot the lead cow and his son shot a cow also. but they got within 250 yards and just stood there looking around. i shot mine and saw him hump up and i knew i hit him good. his front leg was broken and they all went into a little coulee and i didnt see him come out so i knew he was mine. but after my dad shot his we went over to mine and it was still alive. i had hit his shoulder and one lung and he was just laying there looking around. we got within about 50 yrds and he got up and tried to run off but one shot to the neck put him down instantly. but all together 11 of the 13 people got an elk. 8 bulls and 3 cows. the owners daughter shot a huge 6x6 and was in the greatfalls tribune.but it sounds like we just slaughtered them but it was nothing like that. it was fair chase elk hunt. there was no chasing them with 4-wheelers or anything of the kind. the found them, shot and they ran to us. so nothing bad happened just to clear that up cuz there was alot of fuss about it around here.

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Guest Colorado Bob

Re: opening day luck

Conglads !! 11 elk down----MAN that's work just cleaning them !! Sounds like maybe you all shot the lead cow----I've seen them bunch up like that when they are confused. They like to follow that lead cow---where ever she goes the rest follow.

Nice bulls-----Hope you saved the ivories----get a ring made or a bolotie. They look neat. CB

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