Finally got to shoot my new traditions pro! Long


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Well I finally got the time to go and shoot my new pursuit pro. I took the precision rifles dead center 240 gr the qt 40 250 gr the qt 45 300 gr and the tradions T-shock xlr with loose triple seven. I only had 80 yards to play with. I was using 100 grains of the t7 and shoot three shoots of each cleaning the barrel after every shot with wet easy clean patchs and running dry patches behind. The first bullets were the dead centers and for some reason they shot the worse giving me about an eight inch pattern, I moved to the t-shocks and they were much better shooting in a 2 to 3 inch pattern, then I moved to the qt 40's they were under 2 inches and I thought I had found my combo until I put in the 300 gr qt45's! They were shooting thru each other's holes! Not perfectly but just enough to make the hole bigger with each shot, I can't believe a muzzleloader shoots this good. I had my gun in a vice with sand bags and I took all these different bullets after reading so much on here about how different muzzeloaders shoot from one to the next and I am glad I did! I now just need to find a longer range so I can see what my gun is really capable of! One side note I tried the federals and my gun wouldn't close good so I switched to the remington kleanbore but I found out after two shots that they produced a bad crud ring so I switched back and I guess after shooting the gun a few times it loosened up because the federals worked better allowing to to close it without much problem. I can tell I'm really going to like muzzeloading already now I just need to see a deer with it! Sorry about this being so long just thought someone would want to know and I'm excited about the performance. Never expected it.

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