2 3/4" shells/ good choke


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have a question for you turkey guru's. I inherited my dads Browning Light 12. I originally thought it was chambered in 3", but unfortunately it isn't. my question is how well will say a KICKS Gobblin Thunder or a Comp-n-Choke work with some of the 2 3/4" turkey shells on the market these days? I really don't turkey hunt very much, so buying ANOTHER gun at this time is outta the question.

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Re: 2 3/4\" shells/ good choke

The gun will work no problem. Just pattern it to find out what your max range is getting good patterns and stick to it.

If the gun has changeable chokes, pattern it with the full choke tube before you go & spend money on another one. The full choke may give you a good pattern out to 30-35 yards..

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Re: 2 3/4\" shells/ good choke


The gun will work no problem. Just pattern it to find out what your max range is getting good patterns and stick to it.

If the gun has changeable chokes, pattern it with the full choke tube before you go & spend money on another one. The full choke may give you a good pattern out to 30-35 yards..

[/ QUOTE ]

Very good advice there wink.gif

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Re: 2 3/4\" shells/ good choke

I'll second(or is it third) that advice.

When my son first hunting we used 2 3/4" shells in his 3" gun. Actually with his setup there was very little difference in performance between the 2 3/4 and 3" shells. Both had killing patterns out to 40 yards+.

First turkey I ever killed was with a 2 3/4" shell in a Rem. 1100 with a really tight fixed full choke. Shot that one at about 35 yards.

Velocity wise the 2 3/4" rounds are as good and in many cases better than the 3" rounds. Just not as much shot to work with.

Good Luck!

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Guest Colorado Bob

Re: 2 3/4\" shells/ good choke

My 870 only shoots 2 3/4" shells. I use a standard full & have an Xtra full choke also. IMO they are just about the same. Both will & HAVE killed gobblers @ 40 yards. Anything past that & you should not be shooting at not matter what the shell size.

I've used #4 with 7 to 9 pellets in the kill zone, #6 9 to 11 pellets in the kill zone. Kill zone is the shade bone area on Winchester targets. In only count pellets that are touching that area. I have used both shot sizes on gobblers. These are @ 40 yard targets---they only get better the closer you get.

You are not handicapped at all with the 2 3/4". Call them in close. I've killed more @ 25 yards-- than at 40 yards. IMO--those super tite chokes are to tite for the close in shot.

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Re: 2 3/4\" shells/ good choke

it will work, just gotta pattern it and know where it is shooting as far as high, low, right, and left. Then see how far out you get consistent good patterns and you are on your way. And trust me, it is defiantely neccesary to pattern your guns, our first year out we didn't cause my dad says that "they shoot fine, I have shot these guns for years" Of course he never shot them with a 4X choke and 3.5 inch turkey shells and indeed my shot 4 inches right, too bad didn't know that the first year!

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