Realtree Chopper


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Re: Realtree Chopper

have the frame and front and rear fenders and light housing dipped in RT hardwoods green...a brown seat with the bottom of a rifle bullet as rivets all the way around the seat...and the grips made like shotgun shells...4 realtree roadtrips logos in the front wheel...and 4 roadtrips logos in the rear wheel but in between them an outline of a deer skull and antlers.....and something that looks like a double barrel shotgun for the exaust...oh and you can't forget the bow rack on the back smile.gif

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Re: Realtree Chopper

I think companies contact them and the Discovery Channel to design a bike, From the NAPA bike, the Gillette Bike, the NASA bike, Statue of Liberty Bike, The Lawnmower Bike with blade spinning wheels, those boys can built some awesome bikes and have some wild ideas.

A Realtree bike would be cool to see. Make the seat look like a treestand, foot pegs that looks like screw in steps, Realtree Hardwoods Green frame, this bike would win over the hunters but piss off PETA!! Good!! LOL!!

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Guest TheDeerHunter

Re: Realtree Chopper

I have had the same idea for about the past year. Me and my love watching American Chopper and Monster Garage on the Discovery Channel. And I started designing my own Realtree/Hunting themed chopper. I had designs, paint schemes, and wheels all drawn out. Then they had where you could enter to win your chance to design your own Orange County Chopper and I thought here is my chance. But then I looked in it and you had to be 21 to enter. And I didn't turn 21 till this past weekend. Then I saw the poll this week and I thought HOLY COW my idea. I wounder what they will come up with.

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