please help


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Re: please help

You are not holding the bow the same every time. This happens to nearly everyone at some time or another. Sight your bow in and then shoot it. DO NOT change your sight the next day keep shooting. Your form is what is causing you to do this. It is frustrating I know, but keep practicing. You need to get your body to hold and release the bow the same evey time without having to think about what you're doing. Good luck.

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Re: please help

I agree with Ryan. You're probably not using the same anchor point. When you draw you bow back, your release hand should be in the same position everytime. When I first started bowhunting, I had the same problem. One day I would be right on, the next an inch to the left. Consistent, yet not were I was aiming. Once you realize that this is what you're doing, instead of moving your pins you can experiment with your anchor.

After a while, it all comes second nature. You won't even have to think about your anchor point. It will just happen.

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