Knife Sharpeners P.2


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Hi everyone,

Most of you may recall that I asked about knife sharpeners a couple weeks ago. It's funny that I found the answer to my problem is a drawer at home. I had this Smith's knife sharpener at home that my mother-inoutlaw gave me a couple years ago for Christmas. I thought it was a piece of junk and tossed it in a drawer. Last week I said "what the hey", and decided to give it a try. Boy does it work great and I highly recommend it. Just three or four passes over the sharpener and your knife has a super edge again. Here is a picture of the sharpener and if you are shopping sharpener I would get one of these grin.gif


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Re: Knife Sharpeners P.2

I must have missed that thread. I have that very same one, and I LOVE IT. I have never been able to sharpen a knife all that great, till I got one of these. I know it works great on my OLD TIMER pocket knife, and a set of knives I got for Christmas a couple of years ago to.

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