Cleaning ?


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Re: Cleaning ?


When I sighted mine in I just used a spit spatch between shots and had no problems. I was using 777 and it clean up easier than Pryodex. I run the patch, turn it over and then run it again. Hope this helps!

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I'm using 777 too. Thanks for the helpful coment. I'm only 15 minutes from home, but I won't have much daylight after I get off work and won't have time to go get the wendex.

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Re: Cleaning ?


This type of situation is why I spent a little extra and bought the cleaning solvent/lubricant made by Traditions - for my Traditions ML.

Good luck.

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I've got the same thing at home. I use it for cleaning when I'm done. I use the windex when I'm sighting in.

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Re: Cleaning ?

Quick cleaning tip! A couple years ago [or more] I was cleaning my muzzleloader and my hands were getting quite dirty. Being an auto mechanic by trade I almost automaticaly reached for my DL hand cleaner. This cleaned my hands quickly, then it hit me. How about the gun itself? I applied the DL to a patch, ran the patch through the barrel and let it sit a few minutes. Lo and behold the barrell swabed out clean with almost no effort. I have since used DL on the small parts as well, just rub it on, let it sit and clean as you would normally. Give this a try.

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Re: Cleaning ?

DL is a brand of handcleaner usually packaged in a can or plastic container from 1 to 5 pounds. The packaging is blue and white.

If you do use it be sure it does not contain pumice! I'm not even sure DL offers the pumice type anyway. This cleaner is found in most automotive parts stores, hardware stores and quite often in supermarkets. Most large chains like wal-Mart also carry it. This product also works great for spot cleaning carpets, auto upholstry and clothing. Read the lable on the can. It's great stuff. Oh, yeah it works well on greasy hands also. This is also known as waterless handcleaner.

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