Hunting accident!


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Re: Hunting accident!

how sad! When I always went hunting with my father he always made me stand behind him. I can remember walking miles quail hunting with my pops. Never once was I in front of him.

What a tragedy and now that father has to live with that the rest of his life---what a burden to carry!

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Re: Hunting accident!

That is truly tragic and by no means am I making excuses for the accident but I have heard of cases where a gun has been dropped and the safety was on but when the gun hit the ground the safety there was enough force that the safety went off and the gun was fired. I have not personaly experienced that but I am wondering if this is what happened. I am sure that the father would do everything different if he could go back in time.

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Guest tyshe17

Re: Hunting accident!

my prayers are with the family. that is terrible! reguardless of how it happened, the father has to be pretty torn up. May God be with him and his family

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Re: Hunting accident!


Any properly working firearm won't go off as you describe. In this case it was tree branches that caused the premature firing of the weapon. Must have caught on the trigger.

My point in this post was to stress what can happen to any one of us if we aren't always alert and cautious. Hunting can be a strenuous activity and at times our attention may wander. I just want people to be careful so we have less and less of these terrible stories.

[/ QUOTE ]

I do agree, it is terrible and people do need to be more careful, and possibly if the firearm that I had read about should have been repaired or gotten rid of.

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Re: Hunting accident!

that is terrible but aciidents happen in it isnt the fathers fault, im sure he feels bad enough and everyone is probably blaming him, even though they arnt saying it a loud they are thinking it...he should of had the safety on, but sometimes accidents happen and maybe he though the safety was on...prayers go out to his family

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Re: Hunting accident!

It is possible that the kid and him were walking with the boy in front to a location when he slipped and accidently pointed the gun at the boy as he fell placing it before him to break his fall....Hey it could happen. I am not going to criticize the man, he's going through enough now I am sure. Be careful out there

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Re: Hunting accident!

my father was sitting on a three wheeler with an old winchester pump between one leg and the gas tank. The gun slipped and when he went to grab the gun his hand went over the barrel at the same time the butt of the gun hit the ground. the gun was loaded with 00 buckshot and went off taking the middle two fingers and tearing up all but his thumb beyond use. the shotgun was left behind while we took him to the hospital. when at the hospital the doctors had to call the police because of a gun being involved and we had to take the police to the sceen. when we picked up the gun it was still on safety. its like abort said.....safetys are man made devices that can fail.

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