mulie pic

Guest valleycowboy

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Guest valleycowboy

Re: mulie pic

i was by myself and the pics i took with the digital didn't turnout.i was kinda chocked.i'll post the best one.i'm in kelowna.vernon and westwold are about 45 min. away.we use to go to falkland,which is close to westwold.good luck saskbucks,looking forward to seeing pics of yours!!!!! [image][/image] field pic aren't that good,but here is one.

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Re: mulie pic

Man,thats a great pic.Thanx for sharing.I love that country & cant wait to get back there for X-mas.Ya one of the nephews fathers owns the store in Falkland.Nice country.The bro-in-laws always ask us why we dont move there?My awnser,"Then we'd have to work like the rest of you & never have time or the money to go hunting or fishing".Thanx again & give us some more if ya gottem.

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Guest valleycowboy

Re: mulie pic

it is on a come back!!!!! have to give alot of credit to the biologist that suggested going to a 4 point or better season.ever since they started it,we have been seeing some good 4x4's again.and a ton of up and comers.really good to see!!!!!!!

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