Rutting Queston


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Ok I'm leaving this saturday to head up to arkansas to go hunting for about 10 days. The rut is starting to heat up as we speak so it should be in full swing by the time i get there(havent hit it right in the last few yr), so needless to say i'm pumped. I want to try something different. I never really tried using all the scents and calls that are out there on the market. I'm more of a find the scrapes and other signs and just sit there and wait 'em out kind of hunter. So i was just wondering what are some good techniques to use to get one of these big ol' ruttin' bucks to come in? Some good ways to use Doe In Heat Urine? Tarsal Glands? Mock Scrapes? And is to late to do some rattling? Any opinions welcome. Thanks Mathews!

P.S. i'm also after black bear, but i'll just wait and c if i get lucky. i'm not going chase after them. grin.gif

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Re: Rutting Queston

The only thing I do with scents is hang about 3 or 4 wicks in a line perpendicular to the wind, and I put them up wind of the stand at least 10 yards from my stand. 2 of my biggest bucks fell to an arrow where I'm pretty sure Tinks played a part in bringing them in.

I think rattling will still work to some degree.

I think a decoy would work given the right terrain.

Good luck!

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Re: Rutting Queston


Be careful with the rattling unless you are sure the buck to doe ratio is correct. If there is only a couple bucks in the area you might just scare heck out of them.

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I have to agree with that.

I think doe-in-estrous scent and doe bleats work really well this time of the year, since that is all that's on a bucks mind these days. Drag a rag with some doe scent on it, into your stand with you. If you have a long, long walk into your stand, drop it and start dragging when you are about 100 yrds from your stand area, all the way in. Then you could set some scent hangers up like tominator suggested.

When I hunt my ground-blinds in the afternoon, I get there early and lay a good trail, from where the deer come out all the way to my blind. I stop and spread some around, right where I would like them to stop for the shot. Just something to distract them too, as I'm drawing my bow.

Peak rut or post rut, I don't get into the rattling at all, because it intimidates most bucks at that time.

Grunts are OK too , but I stick more with the doe calls and doe scent. That's what they're looking for, so that's what I try to give em smile.gif

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Re: Rutting Queston

How pressured are the Deer you'll be hunting?

If they are heavily pressured like around here, the big ones have just about seen it all and are reluctant to just "come in", everybody and their brother has a grunt call. Try to find where groups of Does bed and set up on the downwind side. Be sure to pick a tree that offers some concealment. Then wait.

Unpressured, Try about anything you want. It all works.

JMO anything can happen. Good Luck!

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Re: Rutting Queston

i'll be hunting about 45 minutes from stutgartt(sp) in a town called Tichnor.

The deer are not pressured at alllllllllll. I'm goin to give it a shot and try my best. Have about 8-10 days of hard hunting ahead of me. I'm leaving tomorrow morning as soon as i finish my last final of the semester...wish me luck

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