Turkey Gun & Choke That Hold Good Pat.30+ yards?


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The one you have should be fine.Before you buy a gun try another tube.I shoot a Benelli Nova pump.It is a very good all around gun.I use it for everything from shooting clays to turkey's.For a little more you can get a recoil reducer installed in the the stock.I don't think you will like the recoil of a 31/2 turkey load,but the turkey's don't like it either.

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Re: Turkey Gun & Choke That Hold Good Pat.30+ yards?

That gun would work just fine. Sometimes it takes a bit of experimenting to find the choke/ammo combo a gun likes.

If it were me I'd throw a comp n choke tube in it and try some #5 and #6 shot through it. Whinchester or federals. I just picked one up on ebay for under $30 for a remington. Heck I don't even own a 12 gauge reminton that takes screw in chokes. But I have a buddy who does and has been struggling with his patterns as well.

But if you want another gun that'll work too. Lots of options out there. Pretty much price, personal preference and fit decides what people choose.

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Re: Turkey Gun & Choke That Hold Good Pat.30+ yard

personally I LOVE my Mossberg 835 12g. with the factory turkey choke and Winchester High-Velocity Turkey shells, 3.5 inch #5's. They shoot great out to 45 yards!!!!! My brother shoots a Benelii Montefeltro 12g. with a Primos Tightwad choke, Winchester High-Velocity 3" #4's and gets great patterns out to 40 yards and then my dad shoots Remington 10g. with the factory turkey choke, Winchester High-velocity 3.5" #4's and he can shoot out to 40 yards great! Actually believe it or not between the 3 turkey guns they are ranked

#1 Mossberg 835

#2 Benelii

#3 Reminton 10g.

That is just how the three of ours shoot, I wouldn't hesitate to take any of the three out and blast a big tom 40 yards though!!!!

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Re: Turkey Gun & Choke That Hold Good Pat.30+ yard

Some shotguns will not shoot to point of aim. Is it only turkey loads that won't pattern? How about a low brass load or high brass in 2 3/4"? Maybe try shooting your modified or full choke with plain shotgun shell at a peice of butchers paper hung with with large aiming point in the middle just to see if the gun is shooting straight. If it is then what the others have said is correct...it's just a matter of finding the right choke/load combo for your gun. Having said that you will not find a BETTER combo than a Rhino .660 tube with load of Nitro 4x5.7.5 Hevi-Shot. You will be amazed if you try it!

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