LOST HUNTERS, FOUND! Simple GPS Would Have Helped!


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Sorry about the pic, I removed the names and towns of where these two were from. But this happened about 3 miles from the area I hunt! There is a large tract of state game lands near me. Its about 35 miles long, and about 3-8 miles wide.


This is the main reason I purchased a GPS unit. These two spent the night in a terrible cold rain storm, we had over an 1.5" of rain that day! They were spotted 2 MILES FROM THERE CAR! Even the least exspensive GPS model that costs about $90 could have saved them from this!

Sometimes its very easy to get turned around(LOST)! If you travel any kind of large tracts of land, do yourself and your loved ones a favor! Buy a GPS! Learn to read a compass! Let poeple know when you will return! Have a cell phone, if its works in that area!

This could have been a terrible outcome, but they were found OK!

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Re: LOST HUNTERS, FOUND! Simple GPS Would Have Helped!

good news they are ok. It is so easy to get turned around--even on land you are familiar with. I hunt a very thick 160 acres of family land. One afternoon I was doing some scouting in the spring when a stray dog showed up and started after me--I had no gun. I immediately looked for the best tree to climb and found one about 30 yards away. I climbed the and the dog hung around for about 15 minutes. When I climbed down from the tree I became a little disoriented and couldn't get my bearings. It was a very cloudy day so I had no help from the sun. I ended up walking the wrong direction. There is no fence on the back side of the property so I ended up on someone elses land. Fortunately I had my cell phone. I had to climb a tree to get reception and then called my dad who drove out to the property and started honking the horn of his truck. I followed the sound. The next day I got me a GPS!


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Re: LOST HUNTERS, FOUND! Simple GPS Would Have Helped!

I am asking for one for Christmas, whether or not the wife wants me to be found is yet to be determined. Will find out on Christmas!! smile.gif LOL!!

Its easy to get turned around in the woods, I did in the spring but I used my compass and knew I would come out at a crossroad. First thing is to not panic and try to compose yourself if possible.

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Re: LOST HUNTERS, FOUND! Simple GPS Would Have Hel

im good friends with one of our local game wardens and i talked to him on monday and he told me about a man that got lost in our national forest saturday for 8 hours and they used their dog to follow a blood trail 2 miles from a deer the lost had wounded and they finally caught up to him, unfortunately they never found the deer

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