Merry Christmas........Happy Holidays?


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I know there has been some flap on here about stores not saying Merry Christmas anymore (Wal-Mart, Target, etc. etc.) Now it seems that GW Bush has caused a flap by sending out White House cards that say Happy Holidays from The Bush's or something. Of course the Christian Conservatives are in an uproar and Bill Donahue from some Catholic org( I can't remember the name but I think this Donahue guy is a lunatic) was on TV pitching a fit about it. Of course the ultra-religious claim this is a blatant effort to remove Christ from the holidays or Christmas season. I don't really see it as that. How many people in those stores are actually buying Christmas presents in celebration of Christ's birth. By saying Happy Holidays, it is all inclusive(this is from a Wal-Mart exec.) by not excluding everyone. There is more than one holiday going on from Thanksgiving to New Years, so, as I see it, stores can either say "Thank for for shopping with us today, and have a Happy Thansgiving,Merry Solstice, Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Boxing Day,and a Happy New Year" or they can say "Happy Holidays" and include everyone.

I don't really like Christmas anymore anyways and only celebrate it basically because I am expected to. It has gotten way too commercial and every year I start to dread it more and more every year.

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Re: Merry Christmas........Happy Holidays?


I don't really like Christmas anymore anyways and only celebrate it basically because I am expected to. It has gotten way too commercial and every year I start to dread it more and more every year.

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Ditto here also wink.gif

I could go on and on about this. But Christmas is not supposed to be about giving and receiving presents. It is about the birth of Jesus. (which more than likely actually happened in October)

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Re: Merry Christmas........Happy Holidays?

Happy Holidays, Season's Greetings, yada yada yada.

I am only going to say Merry Christmas. That's what it's all about. Yes, we've gotten too commercial. You're absolutely right. What better way to get back to the real meaning of CHRISTMAS than by saying MERRY CHRISTMAS!! And remembering that it's a celebration of Jesus's birth!!!

Sorry, but I will NOT be including the other "holidays" in my greeting.

And what's with this "holiday tree" debate??? Give me a break. It's a CHRISTMAS TREE. Jewish people don't even have "Holiday trees" so who are we trying to include here???? They have mennorahs. Kwaanza??? Don't know much about that "holiday" except that it is celebrated mainly by African-Americans. And all the black folks I know around here celebrate CHRISTMAS...not Kwaanza. They shoulda picked another month to have that "holiday".

Merry Christmas slugshooter. Sorry you don't like to celebrate it anymore. That's a real shame. Maybe you can just celebrate "WINTER' instead........... crazy.gifwink.gif

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Guest BigBuckDown69

Re: Merry Christmas........Happy Holidays?

I agree on the saying Merry Christmas. I email the folks at Target and they sent me an email back that said they were not going to quit saying Merry Christmas. confused.gif

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Re: Merry Christmas........Happy Holidays?


I agree on the saying Merry Christmas. I email the folks at Target and they sent me an email back that said they were not going to quit saying Merry Christmas. confused.gif

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I asked the cashier at the Wal-Mart if they were told they couldn't say Merry Christmas and she said that their manager said that as far as he was concerned...they could say whatever they wanted. He had not been told by anyone in upper mangament about prohibiting the employees from saying Merry Christmas. And they play Christmas HYMNS in the store anyway...... smirk.gif

BTW..Wal-Mart had a float in our Christmas Parade last Saturday night. It was a live natvity scene. smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

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Re: Merry Christmas........Happy Holidays?

Well for myself, I'll choose "Merry Christmas". Now whatever you want to call it is just fine with me because I'm not one of those low life individual with not so much as a life as to where I would get offended if someone greeted me with Merry Christmas.

If my beliefs in the birth of the son of God offends you then I'm more than willing to be as offensive as anyone can be.

So here you go, Merry Christmas to everyone and if that offends you then ....too bad

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Re: Merry Christmas........Happy Holidays?

Merry Christmas doesnt offend me near as much as crazed little old ladies trying to run me down with shopping carts or cutting me off in the parking lot to get the spot closest to the door.I really hate this time of year, going to buy toilet paper gets really dangerous right now grin.gif

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Re: Merry Christmas........Happy Holidays?


Merry Christmas doesnt offend me near as much as crazed little old ladies trying to run me down with shopping carts or cutting me off in the parking lot to get the spot closest to the door.I really hate this time of year, going to buy toilet paper gets really dangerous right now grin.gif

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Ditto....I wonder if people really realize what lunatics they make themselves out to be the morning after Thanskgiving. I think every city puts at least one news camera at a Wal-Mart that morning to film the people stampeding inside the store, once in a while they get lucky and record a trampling. It makes me see the news and they have video of people beating and banging to get into a store, sometimes they have video inside the store of people fighting for some random piece o' crap. It's sickening, down right sickening, I get madder the more I think about it. BAHHHHH HUMBUG!! Merry Christmas to all the sane ones out there.

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Re: Merry Christmas........Happy Holidays?


Having to "press 1 for english" on automated phones tick me off more than anything.

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No ah blah es-span-yole???? grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Merry Christmas........Happy Holidays?


Merry Christmas doesnt offend me near as much as crazed little old ladies trying to run me down with shopping carts or cutting me off in the parking lot to get the spot closest to the door.I really hate this time of year, going to buy toilet paper gets really dangerous right now grin.gif

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Well there ya go,,, you think going out to the store is dangerous,,, try working in one during this time of year..... crazy.gifcrazy.gif,,, just plain scary, I already have several black and blue's from being run into with shopping carts,,, and with not even an excuse me or Im sorry.... A little HINT " DON'T GET A JOB WORKING REATAIL" It's just too darn dangerous.... grin.gifgrin.gif

Merry Christams everyone, and be safe...... smile.gifsmile.gif

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Re: Merry Christmas........Happy Holidays?


Well for myself, I'll choose "Merry Christmas". Now whatever you want to call it is just fine with me because I'm not one of those low life individual with not so much as a life as to where I would get offended if someone greeted me with Merry Christmas.

If my beliefs in the birth of the son of God offends you then I'm more than willing to be as offensive as anyone can be.

So here you go, Merry Christmas to everyone and if that offends you then ...too bad.

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Ditto! If someone says, "Merry Christmas". So what! I say it all the time I cant wait for someone to tell me otherwise! LMBO!!!!!

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Guest lostiniowa

Re: Merry Christmas........Happy Holidays?

While some people have lost perspective I will not let them ruin christmas and our celebration of Christ's birth. Also Happy Holidays literally means happy Holy Days. But I prefer Merry Christmas!

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