Good slugs for gun?

Norm Sauceman

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I have an 11-87 Premier with a scope mount paradox - muzzle break barrel. I have heard a lot about the Remington's Premier Core-Lock Ultra Shotgun Slugs and thought about trying them. I want to pattern the shotgun for 150 - 200 yards and still have good knockdown effect with good blood trail ability. I am not in to shooting heavy nor super-light slugs but something in between.

I have not shot this gun yet because I got it just before my accident. I have a few neighbors who said they would be more than happy to sight it in for me though.

I thought for sure that I could narrow my search down to a few boxes of slugs to buy instead of a whole bag full by asking here. Especially AJ and the gang!

So, what say you?


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Re: Good slugs for gun?

My dad is using Coppersolids in his 11-87. They shoot excellent for anything we need 'em for. We've only shot to 100 yards with 'em, but they were good up to there, I'm sure they'd do the trick at longer distances as well. Buy a few different brands, coppersolids, core-loks, etc. Make sure they shoot well in your gun, and you should be in good shape.

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Re: Good slugs for gun?

Asking 150 to 200 yards from a slug gun is a lot. The ammo I would test to see if it shot decent for that level of performance would be:









Partition Gold® Slug

Platinum Tipâ„¢ Hollow Point Slug

I suggest getting a couple of these and seeing how they shoot. I personally would test:

1. Hornady SST

2. Fed VS Barnes Expander

3. Win Partition Gold

4. Rem CLUB

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Guest deldeer

Re: Good slugs for gun?

for me's the 2 3/4" federal barnes expanders, hands down!!!! the longest shot i have taken a deer at was 150 yards(measured)....i have killed 5 deer in the last 2 weeks. 4 were taken with the federals, & they died in their tracks..... the other was taken with a remington copper sabot...all were shot out of an h&r, but i've had good results in my 870's with the federals too....nothing over 100 yards though....

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Guest gfourhunter

Re: Good slugs for gun?

if you want to shoot 150 - 200 yards forget a slug gun. get you a 280 or a 30-06. thats a long way for a slug. not saying its cant be done. its like shooting deer with a bow at 75 yards. good luck.

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Re: Good slugs for gun?

150 to 200 yards from any slug gun is stretching it a bit. This is especially true if you don't care to shoot max. loads. The 11-87 is quite forgiving recoilwise but these big loads can whack you.

Others have suggested you try different loads. Consider this good advice. My 1100 Rem. Loves Winchester Partition gold sabots, 2 3/4 in. Effective to 100 yards, and good groups, But I feel I would not be fair to my prey if I tried a shot much over 125 yds. I think it's better to stay within your comfort zone, as I call it.

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Guest fourtrax_300

Re: Good slugs for gun?

i dont know about the distance of there slugs but i shoot remington copper soild 3" and they are a great shooting slug i hit the heart in the last deer i shot and only found pieces of it when field dressing the deer !

i never shoot over 100 yards and have never shot the coppersolids that far but i think they are a very good slug

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Re: Good slugs for gun?

Great suggestions folks. I have never shot slugs and am not real familiar with the distances. The reason I was asking about the distances I spoke of is because at the last 4 or 5 deer camps I sat at while I was thinking about this, folks always talked about sighting in for 200 yards and the 3" slugs could do it very well....and yes, there were also those who said they took deer at 150 plus frequently.

I am not suggesting I would even shoot that far with a 3" slug, but the last two deer I took before I had my accident were taken at 400 yards and 300 yards respectively and the deer dropped in their tracks. I just did not, do not know what the ballistics for the ranges for slugs are.


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Re: Good slugs for gun?

I hear ya Norm. Shooting 200 yards with a slug is like shooting 500 yards with a rifle. Not that it can't be done, but its a difficult shot and the shooter needs to know their gun/ammo combo intimately. The shooter must have the proper setup also for that type of shot. Slugs are big heavy bullets and the wind will move them around like a leaf when they loose enough speed.

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