Food Plots


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Re: Food Plots

welcome to RT!

for a small bowhunting plot you want 2 things. First--something highly attractive. Second--being small a crop that will withstand good browsing pressure.

My favorite "hunting plots" are planted in cereal grains. The most common cereal grains include wheat, rye (not ryegrass), and oats. On a well fertilized, limed plot it's hard to find anything more attractive to plant. You can plant about 4 weeks prior to bowseason opening and with enough moisture it should be ready to hunt and the cereal grains (other than the oats) will stay green all winter.

good luck


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Re: Food Plots

Welcome to the forums. Best results we have had from plots for hunting have been narrow strips at the edge of the woods. Best results I have seen has been a blend from pennington we planted in September of 2003, penningtons rye and clover supreme. The rye in that mix is a wintergrazer rye grain.

Left our lab lab plus plots standing with the sorghum this year, that was also a great early season draw, and still seeing some activity now.

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