tip for all hunters.... please read

Guest ILclimber

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Guest ILclimber

Just a tip for all hunters, after the shot always make visual marks in your mind where you shot the animal and make sure you know where the animal went, mark trees, bushes, stumps or something so you know where the animal was traveling. The other night in Il it worked out unfortunate for me on a really nice one. so just remember where the animal goes and thank god we get to hunt in this great country smirk.gif

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Re: tip for all hunters.... please read

Thats great advice. In the heat of the moment its easy to forget to mark which tree's it ran through. That happened to my brother the last weekend of ML. He hit a doe and watched her run but forgot to mark her path. I came over and we finally found a trail. I was able to trail her the entire way so we were lucky but sometimes you dont have that option.

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Re: tip for all hunters.... please read

Give a little advice here. Ive actually though about buying a bell sinker an tying some red flags (like the flagging tape) to the sinker. After you make shot you can heave the tape in the direction of the shot and you no longer have to remember the exact location.

If you made several (say 3) it would be easy to mark the blood trail and make tracking a lot easier. I actually had the idea for squirrel hunting. When I plug one tree rat I let it fall and I wait for a couple of minutes. The squirrels will start to scramble and boom... two down. That would be really handy. Once the tree rat hits the ground you can throw a flag over and you dont have to hunt for the squirrel..

just a thought......

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