Got a bear!


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I took my boys hunting over the weekend, trying to get my oldest boy a shot at his first deer. While we were driving to another area on the farm, I saw something down feeding in a cut corn field. I parked my truck on a little hill so my boys could see me and the bear and the stalk was on. After easing my way down through the field, I thought that I was busted because the bear looked up at me and I froze. Luckily I was bent over and the wind was hitting me in the face at the time. I got within about 125 yards when the bear started to move on. I looked backed and gave my boys the "thumbs up" sign which they returned to me. One shot from my 270 WSM dropped the bear in it's tracks! It's not the biggest bear, but it is my first.

Here are my bear pics - now remember, she's not the biggest.




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Re: Got a bear!

Our bear firearms season in the county that I hunt runs from Nov 28 - Jan 7. Limit is one. I believe that there is also a one week session during black powder season. And yes that is snow on the ground. We've had a couple of decent snows in my area so far this year. As far as the rug, well I am not getting one because well, it's a long story, but I did get the claws to make my sons a couple on necklaces.

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Guest Colorado Bob

Re: Got a bear!

Good job ! Hope you didn't throw away the hide. Even if your not getting a rug made---have it tanned with the hair on-----then if you ever decide to get done you'll have it. It maybe the only Virginia bear you'll ever get.

I know guys who have hunted them in PA for 30 years & have yet to get one. Just a thought.

Again, conglads. CB

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