Hunting where the real tree guys do


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Just curious if anyone has ever contacted places like 7j outfitters, or milk river or some of the ranches in texas that the realtree guys hunt? What does a hunt for whitetail cost out here. Also could anyone refer a few good outfitters, and prices for a good whitetail hunt for atleast 140 inch deer.

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Re: Hunting where the real tree guys do

You can also go to the Hunting resources tab at the top right of the homepage and click on outfitters guide and type in the state and species you want to hunt. Milk River Outfitters has not posted their prices for 06' yet but plan on paying around 5 grand total for everything (hunt, license, airfare, etc.). A lot of money, I usually go every 3-4 years and save in between.

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Re: Hunting where the real tree guys do

My cousin hunted with lee and tiffany lakousky on their realtree lodge in SE Iowa last year. We built the lodge for them and i believe there is 3 or 4000 acres there on their ranch called double drop ranch. Pretty cool place. It looks beautiful on the inside all hardwood on the walls and everything. We spent alot of time down there. He hunted late deer season down there with them was going to shoot some does to manage them but he said all they saw within shooting distance was 120 to 160 class bucks. Ticked me off he couldn't shoot them, but he had a great time.

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Re: Hunting where the real tree guys do

my nephew's got a lease here in tn and he gets 200 per day....will see lots of bucks and deer...i can send you some pic's of some that were taken this november.....most the bucks will run from 120-150 class deer ...lots of 1 1/2 100 class... tons of does...

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