what is the best barrel for the H&R ultra sluger


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Re: what is the best barrel for the H&R ultra sluger

The only barrel you can get is the 10 ga shotgun barrel. The Ultra Slug Hunter 12 ga uses a 10 ga sized barrel so the smaller barrels are not interchangable.

Once again, you can not get rifle barrels added on to a shotgun frame. You have to start with a SB2 Handi Rifle in order to get rifle barrels. The reason is the frame hardness. H&R/NEF uses different frames for the shotguns and rifles. On a rifle you can get all centerfire rifle, muzzleloading, and shotgun barrels excluding the 10 ga and 12 ga USH barrel.

In order for you to get a rifle or ML barrel you will have to buy a new gun.

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Re: what is the best barrel for the H&R ultra sluger


how do you know did you try to get one or did you just think tha.

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How do I know? Because I can read, that's how. You can read it straight from H&R by clicking here. BTW, its the 4th bullet down from the top. icon_rolleyes.gif


i am going to try to get one but i dont know if the muzzelloader barrel will be good or not

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You do that. Good luck. crazy.gif

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Re: what is the best barrel for the H&R ultra sluger




how do you know did you try to get one or did you just think tha.


How do I know? Because I can read, that's how. You can read it straight from H&R by clicking here. BTW, its the 4th bullet down from the top.



i am going to try to get one but i dont know if the muzzelloader barrel will be good or not


You do that. Good luck.


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Re: what is the best barrel for the H&R ultra sluger


why cant i get a muzzlelozder berral for my gun it say to just send my gun in and they will fit it to it.

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Per their website:

"10 gauge shotgun frames can only be fitted with the 10 gauge shotgun barrels listed below. H&R 1871, LLC will only fit the listed barrels to 10 gauge frames manufactured by H&R 1871, LLC, with the New England Firearms® brand name."

The 12 ga Ultra Slug Hunter uses a SB2 10 ga barrel and frame. Look on the side of the receiver, does it say SB1 or SB2?

If you still doubt me, why not call H&R 1871 Customer Service at (978) 630-8220 directly and ask them. Hopefully they can make you understand, I guess I can't.

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Re: what is the best barrel for the H&R ultra slug

I want to make mine a ML too...no wait...a 7mm instead...no wait...I want it to be a 12ga/ML/7mm combo! Anyone know how to turn my H&R Ultra Slugger Deluxe into a TC Encore???Ha..Ha..Ha!

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