*Walkie-Talkie Question*


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I was wondering if anyone on here knew of a good pair of walkie-talkies, some that don't make a bunch of beeps and rings all the time. Also have a decent range like 4+ miles, and rechargeable. I know they are illegal in IA, but just if you are using them to tell deer movement or put together a deer drive or such. We don't use them for that, we use them to check up on each other and make sure no one is laying in the woods hurt or anything. We also use them to tell our buddies to come help us if we have a deer down to help out, nothing illegal, that just isn't us. We bought some this past year that were 10 mile range and made all sorts of beeps and picked up every other persons talk and always were making noise. THANKS AND ANY INPUT IS APPRECIATED!

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Re: *Walkie-Talkie Question*

Motorolas are the best. The higher-end ones have at least a 5 mile range and can be customized to ring, beep, buzz and vibrate however you want them too.

But, don't get rechargeable ones. They don't last long in cold weather. I've gone the entire bowhunting season and gun season (Mid September until the end of November) with the same batteries. I've had it on the entire time I've sat too.

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Re: *Walkie-Talkie Question*

You may want to check the instructions with your radios. Most longer range units have power settings EX. 1/2 3/4 etc. Perhaps you can adjust your power and range down. Most beep and ring features have a way to be activated or deactivated. You might be passing up a quality radio without really knowing it. There may become a time you were glad you had the extra power and range, especially in hilly areas.

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Re: *Walkie-Talkie Question*

Personally, the radio's put out by whatever company leave a lot to be desired. When they claim 4-5-6 miles, they mean on "flat" ground with nothing in the way!! As soon as you figure hills and ridgetops into the mix, they stop working altogether. I have been using them for quite a few years now, the Motorola brand specifically. I'm to the point of leaving them at home!! I can't tell you the amount of times that we couldn't hear each other due to the hills!!! Save your money!!

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Guest Mathews4

Re: *Walkie-Talkie Question*

Motorolas have all kinds of codes and channels to choose from to cut down on other peoples conversations, plus some models dont have all the beeps and stuff.

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Re: *Walkie-Talkie Question*

Most radios have these features. You can't expect a radio you can buy for under 100 dollars a pair to perform miracles. My Motorolas were only supposed to range abouy 2 miles, but I can talk well over 4 miles even in somewhat hilly terrain.

I did help a hunting partner out with a medical problem after he contacted me on my radio. I'm glad I had it and so was he. Just another little safety net if used properly.

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Re: *Walkie-Talkie Question*

My father and I each have the Motorola DPS which are rated 5 mile. We also have the Midland GXT-450 which is rated for 12 miles. The Midlands are nice because there size is small, fits in the pockets better. But the Motorola's I still say are better because I used Motorola's in the fire and ambulance service. My father likes the Midlands better because he can hear them better. Only draw back is when they are set to vibrate sometimes they still ring out an alert tone. I just wish too somebody would make a radio with NO ALERT TONES! It seems stupid to make the all camo, then have them ringing alert tones everytime you pick them up!!!!

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