Buckee's Got A New Book Oooot


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Re: Buckee\'s Got A New Book Oooot

I was just informed on one more book that is being written for the "LOVE LORN" people on this forum.

It seems Buckee is quite the "DOMESTICATED" husband at the Kane household. He holds down the fort while his wife is out working and even has dinner awaiting her arival home!!! I hear from my "sources" that sometimes supper gets cold.....now, this being one of the little unkown facts aboout Buckee and that evryone wants to learn from the "master", this book will enlighted all wanna be "DON JUAN'S and teach you all of his techniques and secrets..SO,....the tittle of this must have book is ........


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Re: Buckee\'s Got A New Book Oooot




...the title of this, must have book is ........


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Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, gives me an idea. wink.gif

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don't even ...................... crazy.gifmad.giftongue.gif

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Oh, I won't Johnny. I have 2 weeks off coming up, I'm going to be muuuuuuch toooo busy to fiddle around with photoshop.


Hmmmmmm, think I'll have to Google something like "Julia Childs";pictures of.



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