Beware Hunters and Landowners


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Seems you have a big problem there. Regardless of their religion or beliefs you have problems with these individuals. Best thing you can do is exactly what you are doing. Get the Game Warden involved and stop this. They are hurting the wildlife and ruining your hunting. Hope things improve for you and please keep up updated on what the game warden says or what he did.

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Re: Beware Hunters and Landowners

While I'd hate to single out a religious belief as the cause of the poaching and tresspassing, I've had run ins with the Amish too.

This seems to be a common problem wherever I go except for the Danville area in Knox county. Everyone I've run into in the Danville area respects the property lines. It's refreshing and a joy to hunt there.

Other areas in Morgan county and Holmes county are different stories though. There seems to be something in their teaching that allows or condones tresspassing and poaching for some odd, illegal reason.

I sympathize with your plight, and I congratulate you on keeping tabs on these guys. Keep up the policing of your property, and continue to have them arrested, hopefully the word will get out to leave your land alone.


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Re: Beware Hunters and Landowners

As I read your post, it seems tome like one of those eary freeky ghost stories. It would drive me nuts if this was happening to me. I give you alot of credit to keep your temper down. I sure could not. I would be throwing them off my land at gun point. I don't care if it was the pope, I would forcefully remove them. I don't think I could hold my temper. They sound like real scum bags. And should be delt with before they ruin your land and your hunting. Heck, if this happened in Texas, you could pretty much just shoot them and have no worries.

I don't know, this post got me worked up, just thinking how disrespectful these jerks are!!!!!

It sucks that you have to deal with this!!!


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Guest buddy ahart

Re: Beware Hunters and Landowners

same thing happend at one of the farms that i hunt at.a few amish asked to hunt and the farmer said ok no problem last year had some problems with them showing up in are stands and then those stands magicly disapears me and my freind didnt say anything didnt want to start trouble. well they hit 5 differnt buck and couldnt find one. this year in rifle season we ran across one of them dumping deer carcuss's in the woods he had 6 with him and there was 8 already there plus 2 deer that wernt even gutted just left there to waste away. when we asked him about it he said " well they are pretty small and we got 5 that night thats to many to do" such a waste they were already bad so we couldnt use them but anyway just wanted to share my Amish experiance.

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Re: Beware Hunters and Landowners



Heck, if this happened in Texas, you could pretty much just shoot them and have no worries.

[/ QUOTE ]

I suggest putting up these signs alongside your No Trespassing signs:

Trespassers Will Be Shot - Survivors Will Be Prosecuted

It really does work wonders.

[/ QUOTE ]

I like the way you texans think!!!! If the rest of the country had your views on trespassing, no onw would have any problems. Up here in New York, the trespasser seems to have more rights than the landowner!!! It's rediculous!!!!

Maybe I'll move to texas!!!!!


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Re: Beware Hunters and Landowners


I suggest putting up these signs alongside your No Trespassing signs:

Trespassers Will Be Shot - Survivors Will Be Prosecuted

It really does work wonders.

[/ QUOTE ]

OR you could word it like this....

Trespassers will be shot... Survivors will be shot again grin.gif

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Re: Beware Hunters and Landowners

All you can do is get your local game wardens involved in sting operations and continue until they have all been arrested.


There seems to be something in their teaching that allows or condones tresspassing and poaching for some odd, illegal reason.

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It may have something to do with them being taught that they are not under man's law or any government law, but God's law, however it seems they have disregarded God's laws also, in their attempt to be different.

It's a crying shame really, and I hope something like this doesn't reflect badly on all Amish people, because I would hope and pray they are not all like that. frown.gif

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Re: Beware Hunters and Landowners



I suggest putting up these signs alongside your No Trespassing signs:

Trespassers Will Be Shot - Survivors Will Be Prosecuted

It really does work wonders.

[/ QUOTE ]

OR you could word it like this....

Trespassers will be shot... Survivors will be shot again grin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

How about: Trespassers will be shot.... Survivors will be castrated!!!

Hey, this is just an idea, you could hang some trail cams and catch these guys red handed. That's the kind of stuff a game warden would just love. It would put a big smile on my face, if I was in your position.

Amish number 3,4,5,........ ARRESTED!

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Re: Beware Hunters and Landowners

Amish is not a religion, but all the Amish I know of are Mennonite, and choose to be Amish because of the general premise that the more complicated life is, the less you are focused on the Lord. That's the theory, anyway. Don't know any amish personally, so I can not add anything on the original topic here. I don't know why there wouldn't be amish that are jerks and poachers, there are some of those in every other group, too.


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Re: Beware Hunters and Landowners

that stinks man, that amish around here do the same stuff. During rifle season they just go to any property they please and put on a drive and shoot anything that moves. Usually they just go spotlighting at night, then claim to be controlling crop damage...yeah right

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Guest ILclimber

Re: Beware Hunters and Landowners

Thanks for the info. I am sorry about all the problems. That's the way it is with this whitetail hunting nowadays. It's unbelieveable isn't it. Keep putting your foot down and maybe things will resolve. Keep calling the game warden, and maybe one of these days those pesky amish wil get the message.

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