Torn Between Friends... (or not)


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So here is my deal... I enjoy my outdoor writing oppurtunities that I do and they have enabled me to meet some wonderful people and be part of some great hunts and experiences...

Well there is a youth camp I am part of and the director asked me if I would put together an article for a magazine. Well I did and he is the editor so he edited it and such.... well the magazine went out and it had another article of myne on mentoring... well the camp article said it was by HIM... I got no credit. I was shocked because he came to me and asked me. Well I emailed him and he said it was his fault and didn't mean to do it.. he is kind of a space cadet... so he said in the next mag it will be retracted and fixed... well a friend emailed me the camp's link on the web and it said on there Director's Wrap Up for 2005... and it was my article again... without my name...

I am really getting sick of this.. makes me not want to be part of the camp but I love the camp sooo much and love being part of this experience in these kid's lives who love to hunt..... It just bugs me really bad... from a professional writing side and as a hunting friend who I let come and hunt with me this fall at my parent's farmland... I took him waterfowl and pheasant hunting... also in two months I am to speak at a waterfowl meeting in Minnesota about the camp and such.... crazy.giffrown.giffrown.giffrown.gif

I just don't get it... do you think that he is just that much of a space cadet or do you think he is really being shady????

I need some advice... crazy.giffrown.gif

Hope everyone is having a safe and happy holiday season so far.... laugh.gif

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Re: Torn Between Friends... (or not)


It sounds as though you have a real dilemma on your hands.

The first thing I would do is send him an e-mail and see how long it takes him to credit you for your article on his web-site. It shouldn’t take very long.

If he hesitates, it means that he is a thief.

You have taken him on some of your hunting excursions.

He may have somehow gotten the idea that you and he are such good friends that he can take advantage of you and your writing ability. If so, he is a stupid thief.

It sounds like the youth camp is important to you, but you may just need to lay it aside and find another group to help. There are a lot of organizations out there besides this one that can use your talents and give you the proper credit.

I was once a member of a motorcycling ministry organization that I dearly loved, but I dropped out for the same reason, and circumstances that you are now going through.

I miss the friendships and unity that I enjoyed with the group, but could simply not condone the organization’s leadership.

I eventually found other things to do with my time, and I have not regretted leaving the organization.

Believe me…Those who do not write, or have never had their work published, or have never sold an article, simply do not understand the work that goes into writing.

I would rather see something that credited “author unknown” than to have someone steal my thoughts.

You have been ripped off by someone you trusted, and you should not take it lightly.

He owes you a very humble apology.

Just my opinion…..


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Re: Torn Between Friends... (or not)

I would just ask that he post it on the web site that you wrote the article as well as the Wrap Up. If he refuses to do so by week's end then he is a thief and can't be trusted with any further assistance. Something may go wrong at this camp and it be his fault but he would blame you. Guess where your help gets you! It gets you out of future articles for other publications because he stabbed you in the back and blamed you for an accident you had nothing to do with which makes you look like a phoney and not as knowledgable as you are. I would also tell him that you are putting the waterfowl meeting is on hold until he cooperates. Friends make mistakes too but they always try to make it right as fast as possible.

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Re: Torn Between Friends... (or not)

Email him again or go to him personally...if he doesn't fix the problem still, get someone else to go with you and confront the problem...tell him what you feel and think and lay down the rules. Let him know if this keeps up, you aren't going to write articles or let him use them because he isn't crediting you...just my input. Good luck!

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