What Now?


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I called the shop this morning to find out from my local circuit sponsor, when we needed to get together for the upcoming season. He tells me that we have a problem. I ask what it is, and he tells me that because I finished 3rd in the rankings 2 seasons ago, 1st last season, and 1st again this past season, that I'm not eligible to shoot for placement again this year. Some stupid rule that won't allow any shooter to compete after finishing in the top 5 for 3 consecutive seasons with at least one 1st place ranking during that time.

My whole season just got shot in the backend. The only way I can compete is to move on to IBO shoots, but we don't have any in this area. What am I going to do now?

I'm pretty depressed. I've worked hard my whole life to get to where I'm at. I've been shooting since I could hold a bow, and now I'm being told that because I'm good at what I do, I can't do it anymore.

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Re: What Now?

I've spent the better part of the day looking into IBO shoots in New England, and I've found 2 world qualifiers in Vermont. I've decided to use the other shoots here to get ready for these 2 shoots. I can still shoot the local circuit but my scores will only count for individual tourneys and not the overall ranking. I figure I'll whoop the tails of those going after my spot while getting ready to make the leap into IBO tourneys.

Now all I need to do is get my hands on a good Backtension Release and a good 30" +/- stabilizer. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated......bear in mind I shoot a Hoyt Vtec.

I'll use this feeling I've had all day to motivate me.

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Guest tyshe17

Re: What Now?

Good Luck. Sounds like a stupid rule, but make the best of it. If shooting a bow is shooting a bow I dont care where you do it. Since you do that well on the local scene, the bigger IBO stage should provide a new challege! I am looking into the carter soulutions 2.75 backtension release. Has a safety, which for my first one I really think I will like. Let us know how it all turns out!

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Re: What Now?

Vt that rule stinks .. i would try to get it changed if you can..

for Bt releases there are a ton out there . a Bt release with a safety is the way to learn at first. then you can pretty much shoot what ever you want after that.. i have a Solution 2 that helped me a ton to learn BT . go to this link for lancasters archery supply . they have a huge selection of releases.

check out Carter and Stan /Copper john release they both makle ones with safeties..


Shoot Strong


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Re: What Now?

Thanks, Tony, they have some great BT's there.

I'm leaning towards this one from HHA. It's the Pure 'N Tension. I tried one out at the dealer show in Hershey, PA early this year, and it was very easy to use. I don't know why I forgot about it until I checked out that link you gave me. It's a bit pricey, but worth it, I'm sure.


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