worst season in a long time


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In a year when I expected to spend more time hunting than in previous years, I ended up with far less hunting time. It looked to be an outstanding year, with a lot of deer/big bucks, before a staffing shortage at work put an end to my hunting time. I missed the last three weeks of the season, which included the rut. I guess I shouldn't complain, as the couple of days I got out early in the season I passed on a dozen small/young buck and I did get to go hunting with my daughter on a couple of occasions. Archery season was somewhat the same, as the passing of my mom occupied my non-working time. I did discover that getting old has taken much of my energy as the 11 to 12 hour days I have been working have me totally whooped. The beginning of the new year will be more of the same, as I am unable to go on a two week hog hunt in Texas that I was looking forward to. Well, enough whinging for now. To all of you who have filled your tags, congratulations, and to any of you who still have hunting time left, good luck.

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