**Funny day in church************


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Three out of my four sons were in the huge Christmas production.....my two 1/2 year old Sawyer was with mommy and me in the audience.........well, heres the funny part...after all said and done, and Sawyer being a great little boy....it was time for the pastor to make his final prayer and wish us well........near the end of his speach, in the loudest voice possible...my son Sawyer yells at the top of his lungs...." Daddy...I just farted!!!!!"....I immediately try to shush him up...you know, final prayer and all...and he says it again..."Daddy, didnt you hear it, I farted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!............there was so much laughter from our section, I figured, I was banned from church..........had to share my morning with you.......lol............al

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Guest finsnfur

Re: **Funny day in church************

buckee's got it exactly right.

Like father like son.

Yeah know what dartonman, my boys came home from school on Monday and told me a slightly different story of what happened in church from your boys. - just kidding.

but the apple does not fall far from the tree here. - not kidding!!!!LOL.

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