Quickest bow hunt?


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Ok guys I just read norms post on a quick hunt and it got me thinking, what was your quickest bow hunt.

Mine was the 4 week of archery season probably 10 years ago, parked the 4 wheeler for a 300 yard walk to the stand. I started up over the bench and saw antlers running around and heard grunting, crept a little closer and was watching a buck run a doe right in front of me, not 40 yard from the 4 wheeler. 2 minutes I had a 20 broadside shot and I took it. Watched the buck fall after a 40 yard run. Total hunt lasted about 8 minutes. Please share yours, this will be fun.

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Re: Quickest bow hunt?

I remember a hunt a few years ago I went on after school one day. I had a students whose mom was seeing a big deer and she wanted me to come out and try and shoot it because she wanted the antlers, so I agreed. Well, I got out there, got the permission slip signed and all, talked about her kids (I've had all 4 of them in class so far), then went out. By the time I found a tree and got set up, I checked my watch, 4:00. At 4:01, I saw movement in front of me. It was a doe and her two fawns. They made their way towards me and stopped at 20 yards. Momma stepped into the clear and stopped, so I shot, sat down and checked my watch. 4:08.

8 minute hunt. I thought I missed the way she reacted, but turns out I double lunged her and she sprinted over 400 yards before piling up in the middle of a picked bean field.


It took longer to get the permission slip signed and catch up on the news of the landowner's children than hunting that deer. grin.gif

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Re: Quickest bow hunt?

I think I'm king of long hunts. It always seems I never see deer at first light or early in the afternoon. Two of the deer I killed with my bow I sat from about 1pm till 6 pm before I shot them. The quickest bow kill was probably when it got light about 6am and I shot it at 7:30am, so that one wasn't that bad. This year i killed my shotgun buck pretty early in the afternoon about 245pm, but I'd been in the stand since 1230. i do dream about going out for five minutes and whackin one though.

My cousin is the luckiest guy alive though. One occasion he bought his tag on the way home from work got to his stand about 4p, smoked a cig, took a leak, and a nice 8 ptr walked up that he shot with his bow. Then that same year, he slept in during shotgun season got up at 730am wandered out to the middle of the field layed down for a nap in a brushy water way and had another nice 8 walk right to him a half hour after he was there.

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Re: Quickest bow hunt?

My very first time bow hunting. Was hunting a long narrow piece of ground bordered on one side by a river and the other side was a train track. Had a 2-3 min walk down the tracks to get around the thicket. Climbed up the ladder stand, pulled my bow up (didn't wear a safety harness back then) turned aroung and a big doe was walking my way and was broadside at 10 yards. Sent the arrow and was back at the camp in less than 10 min from the time I left. They thought i forgot something but no one believed me i was done already. Thought bow hunting was a piece of cake at the time! What a fun hunt!

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Re: Quickest bow hunt?

well... i guess i cant member my first bow one... but it was my only... we got out there and maybe it was 20 mins and a doe stood like 5 yards from me? but the one i liked best was this riffle season... our season starts at noon... so it turned noon so i started walkin to my favorite butte that i always sit on just bout every day... but it took a lil bit to get there because we were walkin slow... well i got there first sat down maybe 2 mins later my grandpa got there... so we were sittin there and it was only like 5 mins and i was all wet from the slushy snow and cold i was walkin round thinking lets go nothings comin... well just as i thought that i see this big gray thing with horns come outa the trees... it had been like 8-9 mins... BOOM my grandpa jumped wonderin what the heck i was doin... than he looked where my gn was pointed and he seen a buck floppin round haha... it was pretty sweet... was my biggest buck to date a 5x4

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Re: Quickest bow hunt?

My third year of bow hunting i went out one night climbed up turned around and sat down . I looked over the cornfield in front of me, noticed corn moveing and comeing right for me. So i pulled my bow up hitched a arrow and there he was broadside about twenty yards . wack!! hunt over he ran 30 yards and done. Real nice 7 point my biggest at that time. It was great i will never forget it.

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Re: Quickest bow hunt?



My very fist compount bow hunt, I had the big 8-pointer I had scouted out come into my lane about an hour after I climbed up...only to watch my arrow sail harmlessly over his back. mad.gif rookie mistake grin.gif

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Tell the truth, you missed a giant down at Ray's, didn't you? tongue.gif

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After the day I mentioned aboved, I haven't missed. tongue.gif

And believe me, if I would have missed a giant at Ray's you would have heard my curses from your house. grin.gif

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Re: Quickest bow hunt?

I had a fast bow-hunt like this back in 2001. It was about a 3 minute hunt, from the time I laid out the scent to the time I pulled the trigger on my compound.

I didn't even get a chance to put on my face-mask.

I ended up with a nice mature 4x3 on that hunt.

He just happened to be straight downwind of me when I laid out a little doe estrus and then a little vanilla scent. The rut was in full swing, and I guess I put the two magic scents out. grin.gif

Just one of those being in the right place at the right time hunts.

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Guest KSNimrod

Re: Quickest bow hunt?

Last years buck was a quick one. I got to the stand later than I wanted to around 4:00. By 4:05 I was calling my wife to say I watched him fall over! She didn't believe me at first since I'd only been gone a short time. Some days it works out that way.

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Re: Quickest bow hunt?

My shortest, Walked accross a picked cornfield with my bow & a decoy, set the decoy up, walked about 15 yards & climbed my ladder stand. Pulled my bow up & a dow was within 10 yards of the decoy. Nocked an arrow, shot the doe, watched it run- towards the truck- & fall down.

I climbed down, carried the decoy to the deer. went & got the truck, drove to the deer, gutted it & loaded it.

From the time I got dressed & left the truck- till I was leaving the farm, not 1/2 hr.

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Guest AllArmyoutdoorsSD

Re: Quickest bow hunt?

Mine was this year, which happens to be my second year bow hunting. I hung the stand in october after noticing alot of sign thinking that I could possibly hunt it if my favorite stand let me down. Because of work and life I had only gotten to hunt one evening. After returning from the Black Hills I was still on leave for two more days, but had to stop in the office to catch up a little. on my way to work I noticed a lot of bucks out in the fields. I left the office at noon and the bucks were still out so I changed clothes grabed my tackle and headed to my secondary stand. I checked my watch once I was all settled and it was 13:40. I shot my Largest whitetail ever and my second with a bow at twenty yards. I was not sure of the shot so after I let my nerves settle enough to climb down, I went to the truck and called my best friend to give me a hand... The clock on the phone said 14:21.

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Re: Quickest bow hunt?

My shortest hunt was back in 2001 I was in a new spot. I dug a small pit so I could sit flat on the ground cut some veg. and piled it around myself leaving 2 shooting lanes. Less than 15 min. after putting an arrow on the string I heard a snap and along came a small 4x4. He stopped at 8 yrds when he heard me draw. I hit him in the spine also one of my shortest trailing jobs 2yrds

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Re: Quickest bow hunt?

Four years ago....walking into the woods to my stand over a food plot.....first hunt of the year.........nerves were on edge.

I was toting a new gun....T/C Encore .50cal smoke pole..........halfway to my stand a nice eight pointer and I cross paths....BOOM.

Thirty minutes later, I'm at the base of my stand...relieveing my bladder.....look over my shoulder and see three does at the other end of the Back Food Plot. It takes what seems like forever to ease back to the base of the ladder and get my gun leveled over one of the lower steps...steady...aim....BOOM....the biggest doe goes down.

The rest of the season was anticlimatic for me after all the activity of that first hunt.

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Re: Quickest bow hunt?

Those are some great stories. I def can't beat them, but in 2003 after seeing a bunch of movement, I decided to get some doe urine at Walmart. I got some and put a drag rope out and walked around my stand about 70 yards in all directions. I got into my stand and maybe 2 minutes later a 10 pointer came out of a little treeline 15 yards shot.

That was after sitting in my stand during the morning for 2.5 hours though.

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