QDMAworks4me Posted January 3, 2006 Report Share Posted January 3, 2006 Re: Fellow NY\'s - Do you favor antler restrictions I am assuming that we have a number of people that are from different areas of NY. Lets just be hypothetical and say you had a DEC officer or biologist show up at your door and they say to you “You have been chosen to set the guidelines for antler restrictions in your area of NY state, what would you like implemented?” I think this is an important part of this thread to see what people really want implemented for AR’s, for both the people who are in favor of AR’s and for people that are not in favor to see just how drastic or not so drastic we would like things to be. If I had to choose what type of AR’s we would have implemented in NY State it would be that each buck harvested must have at least 4 points on one side of the rack. I feel that this will allow people to hunt and it is a pretty realistic deer for people to take. Almost every 2-½ year old deer that I see has an eight-point rack (I have hunted many different parts of NY) and if you read the posts by other people almost every deer hunter sees an eight point throughout their season. (I understand that there are some exceptions, but with a years time of not shooting every buck that will change for all of you) As I read posts and talk to people there are a lot of people that think that you must shoot a 140” buck with antler restrictions and that is it nothing less. That is not true. If you are the type of hunter like I am you can choose to wait for that 140” buck. Many of the bucks that you see on this forum have nice basket racks at 2-1/2 and also some have a basket rack at 1-1/2. I have also seen deer with 4 points on one side and a spike on the other side. I chose not to harvest that buck but under the AR’s that I would like if you are a “MEAT HUNTER” (I hate that term because we all hunt for the meat) and do not particularly care about the big rack you could choose to harvest that deer. What would everyone else that is for antler restrictions like to see implemented? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VtBowhunter Posted January 3, 2006 Report Share Posted January 3, 2006 Re: Fellow NY\'s - Do you favor antler restrictions [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] if you're after the meat, then wouldn't it make more sense to shoot a bigger deer.......more meat? With the AR you'll have the bigger deer and hence more meat [/ QUOTE ] One thing that everyone seems to be assuming is that everyone has the luxury of picking and choosing. It's very nice to suggest that hunters should let all the bucks walk by until the right one comes along, but it is a fact that there are some areas, perhaps many here in NY, where one deer within shooting distance may be all you see during the season. Doc [/ QUOTE ] Doc, it's always been that way here in Vermont..... the vast majority of the state in fact. If you see one deer during the season it was a good one, and most hunters here like the AR and we're glad it's in place. We understand that it's time to try new stuff since the old ways weren't working. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NYBUCK Posted January 4, 2006 Report Share Posted January 4, 2006 Re: Fellow NY\'s - Do you favor antler restrictions [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] if you're after the meat, then wouldn't it make more sense to shoot a bigger deer.......more meat? With the AR you'll have the bigger deer and hence more meat [/ QUOTE ] One thing that everyone seems to be assuming is that everyone has the luxury of picking and choosing. It's very nice to suggest that hunters should let all the bucks walk by until the right one comes along, but it is a fact that there are some areas, perhaps many here in NY, where one deer within shooting distance may be all you see during the season. Doc [/ QUOTE ] Doc, it's always been that way here in Vermont..... the vast majority of the state in fact. If you see one deer during the season it was a good one, and most hunters here like the AR and we're glad it's in place. We understand that it's time to try new stuff since the old ways weren't working. [/ QUOTE ] Well said VTbowhunter. I think NY is definately in need of some "new" stuff. Our deer herd had been mis-managed for too long. It is time to try something different, now we just need to come up with ways to preserve the hunting and the deer. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Born2Hunt Posted January 4, 2006 Report Share Posted January 4, 2006 Re: Fellow NY\'s - Do you favor antler restrictions I don't like change as a rule but I feel NY needs to change when it comes to deer hunting and deer management. With deer hunters declining at an alarming rate and the average age of our hunters being 50 yrs old we need to do something to draw more interest. Kids today watch a lot of television and if they watch any hunting show they see nice bucks and the harvest of does.With AR's these kids could relate to these big bucks and television and be interested in hunting in NY. As for the older hunters sometimes it is hard to teach old dogs new tricks but todays biologist know more about deer than any veteran deer hunter. We should all sit back and listen to these educated biologists they can teach us a lot about deer that we do not know . I want a well balanced deer herd with alow buck doe ratio and I want bigger bucks. This may sound like greed but in the biologist eyes this is the way it should be to ensure a quality deer herd for now and into the future. Who knows AR's and QDM may not be around in 20 years but for now this is the best way to take care of our future. AS for AR's I support 4 points on one side to be a legal buck. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doc Posted January 4, 2006 Report Share Posted January 4, 2006 Re: Fellow NY\'s - Do you favor antler restrictions [ QUOTE ] We should all sit back and listen to these educated biologists they can teach us a lot about deer that we do not know [/ QUOTE ] Well, right now, the "educated biologists" of NY (DEC) are telling us that they don't want AR. They are telling us that AR rolled out across the entire state is inappropriate for the very reasons that I have stated in previous posts. Also, their is no clear-cut consensus on what form of AR would work best. Some want us to count points first before we shoot. Others want us to get the deer to look at us before we shoot so we can determine the relationship of the ears to the antler width. It seems like even the experts have different ideas. There is also a concern with what they call high-grading which calls into question whether AR is even a positive thing in terms of genetics. These are experts too that are coming up with these concerns. Another thing, as long as you are talking about TV shows, anyone who thinks for one minute that AR or any other statewide program is going to produce huge bucks in the huge numbers that we see on those TV programs, needs a bit of a reality check. First of all, understand what it takes for those ranches to produce a herd worthy of TV fare. Understand also that the operators of those ranches have absolute control of every acre of their land. That includes how many hunters access their herd, whether or not their herd requires suplemental feeding, and what inferior genes are culled out of their herd. I can think of no way that NYS can gain that kind of control of all the land across the state (thankfully). Anyone expecting any state agency to come up with the same results as we see on TV is in for a very big disappointment indeed. Doc Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doc Posted January 4, 2006 Report Share Posted January 4, 2006 Re: Fellow NY\'s - Do you favor antler restrictions [ QUOTE ] Doc, it's always been that way here in Vermont..... the vast majority of the state in fact. If you see one deer during the season it was a good one, and most hunters here like the AR and we're glad it's in place. We understand that it's time to try new stuff since the old ways weren't working. [/ QUOTE ] Well, I have never hunted Vermont, but I know that a lot of Vermont hunters come across the border to hunt our deer. However, that aside, I really am having a hard time believing that "most hunters" are spending their seasons watching the only deer they see walk on by because it was made illegal, and they are happy about it. Especially if this sort of thing continues on for multiple years. Has there been a survey done to confirm this. If so has anyone analysed the survey to see what the satisfaction level is among those who are in "deer poor" areas. Personally, if I were faced with this kind of situation year after year, I would have to be asking myself if I am deer hunting or "deer watching". My feeling is that forcing AR into such situations is not real conducive to maintaining hunter satisfaction or hunter numbers. There may be many places where AR is appropriate, but an area that has nearly no deer to start with is probably not one of them. Doc Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Texan_Til_I_Die Posted January 4, 2006 Report Share Posted January 4, 2006 Re: Fellow NY\'s - Do you favor antler restrictions [ QUOTE ] ...I really am having a hard time believing that "most hunters" are spending their seasons watching the only deer they see walk on by because it was made illegal, and they are happy about it. Especially if this sort of thing continues on for multiple years. Has there been a survey done to confirm this. If so has anyone analysed the survey to see what the satisfaction level is among those who are in "deer poor" areas. Personally, if I were faced with this kind of situation year after year, I would have to be asking myself if I am deer hunting or "deer watching". My feeling is that forcing AR into such situations is not real conducive to maintaining hunter satisfaction or hunter numbers. There may be many places where AR is appropriate, but an area that has nearly no deer to start with is probably not one of them. Doc [/ QUOTE ] Antler Restriction Data - Be sure to read the entire article. Much of the information you're interested in is found toward the end. More Scientific Deer Facts - from an ongoing 30 year program. BTW - I don't want anyone from NY to think that I'm trying to tell you that you definitely need AR's. I'm just trying to supply you with factual, scientific data from areas that currently have AR's in place, so that you can make an informed decision. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
QDMAworks4me Posted January 4, 2006 Report Share Posted January 4, 2006 Re: Fellow NY\'s - Do you favor antler restrictions Texan_Til_I_Die I am personaly thankful that we are getting feedback from people who have seen the affects of AR's Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
QDMAworks4me Posted January 4, 2006 Report Share Posted January 4, 2006 Re: Fellow NY\'s - Do you favor antler restrictions There are biologists that are for AR's and there are biologists that are not for AR's it all depends on who you talk to. It is like the people on this thread, people have their opinions on why it will work and people have their opinions why it won't work. I personally feel the positives far outweigh the negatives. If you watch the tv shows we all know there are some really large bucks and there are some smaller bucks. I don't think that anyone on this forum believes that we are going to shoot a 160" buck every year. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GWSmith Posted January 4, 2006 Report Share Posted January 4, 2006 Re: Fellow NY\'s - Do you favor antler restrictions [ QUOTE ] There may be many places where AR is appropriate, but an area that has nearly no deer to start with is probably not one of them. Doc [/ QUOTE ] I agree! What I have a hard time understanding here in this conversation is the overwhelming belief that AR is the solution. I can believe that maybe for some areas it would help. Is it not true...that the methods of AR are the end result of information gleaned from an accurate source? How about before picking a solution to a problem...people possibly consider the steps inbetween! What I do see here is a group of people who are devote in their belief that AR is the cure to what the problems are...I will admit that in some situations it may very well be. What about the decisions that are needed to get to the point of making the correct decision? A step thats needed to get to that point would be for the current processes, that are already in place, to be used to the maximum to achieve the facts. The Citezen Task Force is a resource that is not being used to gain information to its fullest potential. In the possibilities contained by just this one neglected resource there are accurate deer herd numbers on which to base future decisions. A full accounting of the current state of the deer herd, which could be achieved by a low or no cost volunteer expanded team of hunters, would give the needed facts to make decisions. The situation we have now is the result of uninformed decisions in the past being cured by throwing solutions at them without accurate facts. IMHO...It would be similar to going to your garage...picking up a tool...and throwing it at your house expecting it to repair itself. Every now and then you could get lucky and hit a nail thats sticking out...but mostly you would cause more damage than repair. If you want to repair the house...accurately diagnose the problem, find the correct tool to use, then act on the solution(do the work). If you want we had in the past, our DEC throwing solutions at problems, you will simply continue to have more problems! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VtBowhunter Posted January 4, 2006 Report Share Posted January 4, 2006 Re: Fellow NY\'s - Do you favor antler restrictions Nobody has said that AR's are the answer.......merely a tool to help in the process of getting a healthier deer herd. Our state is also currently logging land in order to improve habitat.......there are many things that have to be done to improve herd health. Doc, counting the points before you shoot is actually a good thing.........can't mistake your target this way. A herd that is very low in numbers is EXACTLY where an AR would be needed. You're allowing younger bucks to live. This means more bucks to breed the does, and in turn means that the bucks are not starving themselves to breed all the does before winter kicks in and they can't replenish their fat supply. You can find "Experts" that will argue every angle you can think of and they all have varying opinions. We've argued the AR point, but now I'ld like to hear from those against it as to what they would do help the herd. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Swamphunter Posted January 4, 2006 Author Report Share Posted January 4, 2006 Re: Fellow NY\'s - Do you favor antler restrictions Wow! This gets my vote for the best thread of the year so far! Man this baby has gotten some mileage and aside from a couple minor "hiccups" in the posts, it has been a very enjoyable conversation! Thanks guys! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GWSmith Posted January 5, 2006 Report Share Posted January 5, 2006 Re: Fellow NY\'s - Do you favor antler restrictions [ QUOTE ] We've argued the AR point, but now I'ld like to hear from those against it as to what they would do help the herd. [/ QUOTE ] I think anyone who buys a license should have the privelege of shooting any size buck on public property. The size of a buck taken on private property should be up to that landowners discretion. Get an accurate inventory before you attempt any management plan!!! You would'nt take over a business and not take an inventory would you? Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results is why we are in the position we have today...lack of accurate information(on deer herd numbers) with the DEC desparately trying to please everyone Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VtBowhunter Posted January 5, 2006 Report Share Posted January 5, 2006 Re: Fellow NY\'s - Do you favor antler restrictions [ QUOTE ] Wow! This gets my vote for the best thread of the year so far! Man this baby has gotten some mileage and aside from a couple minor "hiccups" in the posts, it has been a very enjoyable conversation! Thanks guys! [/ QUOTE ] You're right. This is how threads should go, lol. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GWSmith Posted January 5, 2006 Report Share Posted January 5, 2006 Re: Fellow NY\'s - Do you favor antler restrictions [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] Wow! This gets my vote for the best thread of the year so far! Man this baby has gotten some mileage and aside from a couple minor "hiccups" in the posts, it has been a very enjoyable conversation! Thanks guys! [/ QUOTE ] You're right. This is how threads should go, lol. [/ QUOTE ] Total agreement from here! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VtBowhunter Posted January 5, 2006 Report Share Posted January 5, 2006 Re: Fellow NY\'s - Do you favor antler restrictions GW, I think it's fair to say the Vermont and New York are very much the same with the exception of the size of your state. So I feel very comfortable in saying that everything I've said before would apply to New York. I've never hunted your state, but I have logged more miles driving all over New York then most New Yorkers might in a year, lol, and I've seen some great looking deer herds. I've seen everything from twin 8 points feeding in a persons front yards to dozens of does and bucks feeding in corn fields. From everything I've seen any management plan put into affect could help..............don't take this as My knowing all either, I'm just wondering where it is that things are so bad that you guys are lucky to see deer. Here in Vt, we've always wanted things to be more like NY......has this been a mistake on our part? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GWSmith Posted January 5, 2006 Report Share Posted January 5, 2006 Re: Fellow NY\'s - Do you favor antler restrictions [ QUOTE ] ...I've seen everything from twin 8 points feeding in a persons front yards to dozens of does and bucks feeding in corn fields. From everything I've seen any management plan put into affect could help..............don't take this as My knowing all either, I'm just wondering where it is that things are so bad that you guys are lucky to see deer. Here in Vt, we've always wanted things to be more like NY......has this been a mistake on our part? [/ QUOTE ] I dont think its a mistake on your part at all. I too have seen great deer along the roadside! I've seen the biggest buck of my lifetime out along the NY. Thruway..6 miles from the Clarence service area. Problem is most of that land along the Thruway where your seeing deer is private!!! I would love for what I've seen on private land to occur on Public Land but its not reality to expect it. Private land has way fewer hunters on more land and the ability to manipulate the habitat to bring about desired results. I just cant see the sense in attempting to manage something thats not been counted with any accuracy. We are the people doing the "Ground Pounding" every season....whats the sense in not using that resource for accuracy??? It would make any management decision a better one! I just cant see the DEC's reasoning there. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
buckshot Posted January 5, 2006 Report Share Posted January 5, 2006 Re: Fellow NY\'s - Do you favor antler restrictions [ QUOTE ] We've argued the AR point, but now I'ld like to hear from those against it as to what they would do help the herd. [/ QUOTE ] I'm still not sold on antler restrictions.I like being able to shoot any buck I choose.What I would like to see is a shorter firearms season.I think ours is too long and too many bucks get shot because of it.If the firearms season was only a week long more bucks would survive and reach maturity. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doc Posted January 5, 2006 Report Share Posted January 5, 2006 Re: Fellow NY\'s - Do you favor antler restrictions [ QUOTE ] Doc, counting the points before you shoot is actually a good thing.........can't mistake your target this way. [/ QUOTE ] I have got to say that in all honesty, I have NEVER known for sure how many points any of the deer I have taken have had. Most of the times, I have taken a quick glance made some kind of estimate and when the deer was finally on the ground I realized that I had missed counting a smaller point, or I had actually thought that one of the far tines was part of the near antler. I purposely try not to fixate on the antlers when I'm preparing for the shot. This isn't a case of safety, it a case of concentrating on the shot and not being distracted by the rack. Maybe there is even a hint of trying to avoid "buck fever" stirred in there too. However, if you really want to throw in some stall tactics to ensure safety, then why not go with the "antlers outside the ears" restriction. That seems to be the latest pop AR management technique. That way you have to wait until the deer is looking at you before you know whether it is a legal target. Of course 75% of the bucks may have walked through all your shooting lanes by the time you figure it out [ QUOTE ] I've never hunted your state, but I have logged more miles driving all over New York then most New Yorkers might in a year, lol, and I've seen some great looking deer herds. I've seen everything from twin 8 points feeding in a persons front yards to dozens of does and bucks feeding in corn fields. From everything I've seen any management plan put into affect could help..............don't take this as My knowing all either, I'm just wondering where it is that things are so bad that you guys are lucky to see deer. [/ QUOTE ] I hear this all the time. People assessing deer density by driving the roads. For one thing, if you are seeing deer from the roads, you are obviously looking at farm land or land that is open enough to permit grazing. That does not represent all areas of NYS. Second, I can tell you of at least one WMU that has exact opposite extremes within 12 miles. In other words one place you can hunt for the entire season and see one or two deer, and 12 miles away the deer density is what some would call over-populated. Third, no matter how many miles of NY roads you drive, there is absolutely no way that you can cover even a majority of the state. So there is no way that anyone could ever get any kind of accurate assessment of a state's deer density using that method. What you have to do is to have some confidence in the abilities of those who walk the ground hunting their own hunting areas acre by acre. These are the people who can give you accurate assessments of what they are personally seeing on their hunting lands. Most of those reporting deer shortages are not merely stumbling aimlessly around the woods without a clue. They are probably as good a hunter as you or I. I really have no reason to believe that they have any less hunting skills or abilities than I do. Also, they have eyes and ears and I assume enough intelligence to recognize when they see no deer and no sign. So, the bottom line is when I hear hunters commenting that the herd in their hunting area is nearly decimated, I really have no reason to think they aren't telling the truth. Fourth, even the DEC is admitting there are areas that need herd re-building. That 40% cut in antlerless permits this year was the admission. And I believe we are in for several more years of fewer permits. in such areas, if we add to this the likelihood that the one deer a hunter may have an opportunity to shoot, that used to be legal is now deemed to be illegal because it doesn't have enough points, and it doesn't take too many years of that kind of frustration and disappointment to convince that hunter that he really should be doing something a bit more productive with his weekend or vacation days. That is NOT the place to institute AR, unless we really want to see fewer hunters afield. But, who knows, maybe the ultimate QDM is to thin out the hunters. Doc Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VtBowhunter Posted January 5, 2006 Report Share Posted January 5, 2006 Re: Fellow NY\'s - Do you favor antler restrictions I can definately see your points about using hunters to gain info. on herd health. We've been trying to get Vermont to do that forever. From what GW says, it sounds like your state needs to get more habitat involved with the public lands. Vermont is finally doing that and we're seeing benefits to that too. As I said before, I love AR's, but I'm not foolish enough to think that they alone will fix it all. I like the AR's in conjunction with the habitat clearing and cutting back on deer limits per year. We've actually got quite a bit going on here, and I can't wait til next year to see how it plays out. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GWSmith Posted January 6, 2006 Report Share Posted January 6, 2006 Re: Fellow NY\'s - Do you favor antler restrictions [ QUOTE ] ...From what GW says, it sounds like your state needs to get more habitat involved with the public lands. [/ QUOTE ] From the DEC Website: Since 85 percent of the state is privately-owned, many people rely on private landowners for outdoor recreation. Nearly two-thirds of the hunting in New York State is on private lands and more than 90 percent of all hunters will hunt on private lands during the hunting seasons. Its anyones geuss how much of that 85% Private Lands are posted and allow Limited or No Hunting to the general public. OK...15% Public Land...New York is big right...Sounds Good right? Then factor in how much of that Public Land that allows hunting of any kind(let alone Deer hunting). How much of the piece of pie thats left in reality is accessable to the average deer hunter? Your probably saying: "That GW...He's So Bitter"(among other things...LOL) Well...Who Said I Was That Happy I apoligize....A few years ago when I moved up here from Florida I thought...I had died and gone to Whitetail Heaven. Deer were everywhere along the roads right around where I live, in the Fields, and in the Woods. Now after what has happened here over the last couple years it just seems that the deer herd has gone to heaven! That right...not just last year when the DEC enacted "CWD Containment". The year before I noticed a reduction in deer numbers in the field and alongside the roadways where I live. So what I'm faced with here over two years is a declining herd one year and a program to manage CWD the next! Who me???...Bitter??? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doc Posted January 6, 2006 Report Share Posted January 6, 2006 Re: Fellow NY\'s - Do you favor antler restrictions Ok guys. How about this? New York needs to get better control of habitat and hunting access on private property. Since it IS private, there are limits as to what they can mandate of landowners (thankfully). So their only alternatives are to finesse cooperation. How about this ..... They come up with a well thought out and studied plan (a manifesto) as to what they would like to see in terms of a "private land management plan". Make it their complete wish list from wide open hunting access to landowner habitat improvements to allowing DEC sponsored habitat improvements and any other points that they could conjure up in order to adequately manage that land for herd density and habitat. Then, how about assigning values to each management point in their plan. Then how about assigning tax incentives based on the score of landowner compliance with the plan. Another thought would be to periodically come up with news releases that feature deer management tips and techniques for land owners. This would require cozying up to local news outlets, but some of the greatest impacts come from newspaper and local TV special features. If the DEC wants to communicate with the public, this is the best way to do it. Used properly, this could go along way toward getting landowners to voluntarily cooperate with DEC objectives. I don't believe that private land has to be untouchable. I think the right bait is all that is needed. Doc Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doc Posted January 6, 2006 Report Share Posted January 6, 2006 Re: Fellow NY\'s - Do you favor antler restrictions And yet another thought: how about converting all state lands into models of QDM? That would include adding food plots and other habitat enhancing activities. Also, the state parcels could be managed as separate WMUs for maximum management impacts. Actually that is something that should be done if nothing else is done. In terms of hunting pressure, there is absolutely no similarity between the way state lands are used and abused when compared to the rest of the lands of the WMU that they are located in. If a good enough job of management was done on these showcase lands, AR would be a natural addition. If you could make it work there, I believe that you would have little problems getting acceptance from hunters on private lands. In fact, depending on the results, you might just have a hunting public that was demanding statewide AR. I see public lands as being the toughest to make AR work .... kind of a worst case scenario. If you can do it there without hunters walking away deerless and disgusted, you can probably do it anywhere. But, its success is also dependent on the other parts of QDM being implemented, that being the habitat half of QDM. If this is something that the state cannot afford across all state lands, specific parcels could be selected as test cases with others being added as they figure out how to finance wider operations. On the other hand, if it doesn't work out on state lands, it really calls into question the appropriateness of a statewide roll-out of AR that some are calling for. Results would have to be monitored with surveys and perhaps even special check-in procedures for harvested animals. By having them assigned their own unique WMU designation, it would be quite easy to locate and survey hunter attitudes. Also, it would be useful to implement a policy of 100% deer reports at the end of the season that would be required whether you were successful or not. Failure to comply would result in denial of permit issuance the following year. That would eliminate the phoney-baloney "reporting rate" factors (guesstimates). Armed with good reliable harvest data along with special regulations and habitat maintenance, as well as special attention by state biologists to more accurately determine real herd density and needs, we might just get a good accurate picture of what the potential really is for state run QDM policies. Anything less is just seat-of-the-pants, fly-by-night, flailing around by deer management wannabes who are trying to implement something statewide that they have absolutely no clue as to the unintended consequences. Doc Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VermontHunter Posted January 6, 2006 Report Share Posted January 6, 2006 Re: Fellow NY\'s - Do you favor antler restrictions Dang Doc... Why aren't you on your DEC board of advisers ?? You seem to have a great sense of what is needed.... You have well thought out concepts of what should be happening, and IMO of what would actually work.. I also think that there should be TAX INSENTIVES to land owners that participate in some type of mamgement program,, and I love the idea of the scoring aspect, to determine just how much of a tax break a landowner would be intitled to.... I give you big KUDO's ..... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GWSmith Posted January 6, 2006 Report Share Posted January 6, 2006 Re: Fellow NY\'s - Do you favor antler restrictions [ QUOTE ] Dang Doc... Why aren't you on your DEC board of advisers ?? You seem to have a great sense of what is needed.... You have well thought out concepts of what should be happening, and IMO of what would actually work.. I also think that there should be TAX INSENTIVES to land owners that participate in some type of mamgement program,, and I love the idea of the scoring aspect, to determine just how much of a tax break a landowner would be intitled to.... I give you big KUDO's ..... [/ QUOTE ] Those are great ideas! Another thing would that would have to in some way be instituted would be some kind of Legal Protection. Landowners who participate and willingly open to hunters their private land should have some kind of defense against possible legal action. I think that would go a long way in opening doors...especially if there was no threat from participating. From the standpoint of the State....if you take a piece of the Pie by offering Tax Incentives...wheres that funding going to come from otherwise? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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